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Strange solid red artefact - how to correct?



  • SFA
    There is no image visible. You likely need to host the image somewhere and post a link to it.

    Are you viewing the jpg in Capture One?

    Pure speculation here - do you have the Exposure Warning active? (Default is a red area identifier).

    Any masks applied as part of an adjustment layer? (Would not be of interest if the jpg was a processed output file and not further processed in C1)

    If you have produced the jpg what does it look like in a different viewing program? (Presumably that is the image you hoped you had posted? Fuji file handling is handled differently to other sensors in that respect).

    Are you using a Mac or a PC?

  • Keith Reeder
    Image here, Grant: ... 920116822/

    No idea what's going on, though - I honestly thought that this was a red display stuck onto the store window.

    I think you'll need to make the Raw available...
  • SFA
    I think you are right Keith. ... otostream/

  • HansB
    Am I missing something?

    If this is the window, it's a display window, nicely showing reflections of the street.
    It's mostly covered by a cut-out orange-red foil with a white discount ad.
    (The vertical and horizontal foil cuts align with the perspective.)
    This foil hides the interior and partly covers the display lights.

    I agree with Keith Reeder: I cannot find a red artifact, just a display window decoration.

  • SFA
    HansB wrote:
    Am I missing something?

    If this is the window, it's a display window, nicely showing reflections of the street.
    It's mostly covered by a cut-out orange-red foil with a white discount ad.
    (The vertical and horizontal foil cuts align with the perspective.)
    This foil hides the interior and partly covers the display lights.

    I agree with Keith Reeder: I cannot find a red artifact, just a display window decoration.



    Follow the link in my post for confirmation of your analysis. 😉

  • HansB
    Hi Grant,

    Proven, I'd say. 😄

    You posted while I was typing. And I was a little late hitting Enter, distracted by a pot on the stove. 😉

  • SFA
    HansB wrote:
    Hi Grant,

    Proven, I'd say. 😄

    You posted while I was typing. And I was a little late hitting Enter, distracted by a pot on the stove. 😉


    Life can be like that. A small distraction and everything falls apart .....

    I recall one time being semi-involved with a technical question related to an HP Unix server. We ended up in the early evening (UK) after several hours of discussions with various support people, talking to a new person who turned out to be in California. HP had introduced a "follow the sun" policy. In the middle of a fairly detailed conversation he suddenly asked us to hang on for a minute while he sorted something out ....

    It turned out he was working from home and had picked up out case as he was preparing lunch. He was, he said, cooking asparagus. We had been talking for about 30 minutes without interruption for any kitchen visits at his end. His lunch was, he said, somewhat burnt.

    It's always best to deal with a distracting pot on the stove.


  • Keith Reeder
    The OP does have a tendency to lob questions in and then walk away:


    Wonder if we'll hear from him again in this thread?
  • H. Cremers
    The OP must be joking, right?

    Apart from having the habit to post and then walk away (as shown by Keith), the "artifacts" in the shop window are just the lights pointed at the red window make up.

    Anyway, I hope the OP does drop by again and makes available the raw file and a screen print of what he is seeing as "artifact". Otherwise there is no way we can help out.
  • Grant Kernan
    I remember the early days of digital. I was on assignment at an Art Gallery shooting into the windows from outside. There was a blue /cyan film on the windows as part of the display which changed colour and went very purple in the digital files.
    Turned out it was the heat from the sun [high IR]. Very little that I could do about it.

    At least now we have the adjustment masks made from the colour editor. With a number of these layers we ought to be able to change the colour, perhaps turn down the saturation, and maybe engineer some more detail into the offending red areas.
  • NNN635563989771853020
    Thank you all for your responses. I revisited the site and the window indeed had a red blocky covering over most of it.

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