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Saving to SD card while tethering...



  • Paul Steunebrink
    Long story short: no, not with the Canon cameras.

    Best practice, shoot raw only while tethering.
  • Gautham Kumar

    Paul, does that mean cards need to removed and images will be saved in computer or hard disc. Am i right to mention like that?

  • SFA

    For Canon cameras the general answer is "Yes" although there may be some differences for new cameras since some manufucturers (Sony, Fuji for example) have started to provide different connection modes that allow for preventing a computer connection "seeing" camera memory cards and claiming the connection as and external data device.

    When that connection type occurs it often prevents a camera connection being identified as a "Tether" option with full control of the camera from a computer application such as Capture One.

    However a "data device" connection does allow a camera to use a folder on the computer's disk as an image storage option. If that is the only option available Capture One can be set to see that Folder as a "Hot Folder" and use a Session edit to work with the file arriving within it. That is not the same as full Capture One controlling the camera based tethering but better than nothing if that is all that is available.


    The recommendation to remove the cards from the camera may in some cases be a requirement because it effectively tells the camera to expect external control. (There may also be a requirement to set a control in the camera to allow shooting without a card). However it should also prevent the Computer connection grabbing the connection port because it has seen a "storage" device and therefore makes the use of tethering easier to set up and more resilient in operation.

  • Jason Walle

    I just tried Capture One for the first time today during a shoot because Lightroom still doesn't teather with Canon R5s.   I have been a long time Lightroom user and that program does save to both your computer hard drive and your camera memory cards at the same time.   I love that feature as it's a great backup and - like others - it's an easier workflow.  The laptop I teather with is basically just for the client to get a quick view and after the shoot I pop the camera memory card into my main desktop computer that I use for editing.   I about had a heart attack after the shoot today when there was nothing on the memory cards.   Having to go back to the laptop and export all the files to a USB is an extra step that I'm really surprised has to happen.  I loved using Capture One for the first time.  Very intuitive.  Great controls.   But that one feature is a deal breaker and makes me glad I only did the month to month while I wait for Lightroom to update and teather with the R5s.

  • SFA


    You may find that the "Hot Folder" option is what you need.

    That way you are delivering files speedily to C1 but not using the Full Tether application to take control of the camera to the exclusion of the camera's internal processing.


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