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Live View for Capture Pilot




  • Official comment


    Thank you for feedback on Capture One - this is always welcomed and encouraged among our users and we appreciate the time you've taken to contribute towards the development of the software.

    I have forwarded your comments and suggestions to our Product Management team as something to consider in a future release.

    Whilst we cannot comment on future releases, we take all suggestions on board and hopefully your feedback contributes towards a future version of Capture One.

  • Dina Avila

    I second adding live view to Capture Pilot for Nikon and DSLRS in general. Capture Pilot has been a game changer during Covid where I can just hand my ipad to the stylist and they can make adjustments to the set as needed instead of hovering around my laptop. Live View would put this app over the top.

  • Ron Cain

    Is this feature available for Android phones?


  • William Morton

    At present it looks like the only option I have for this is to use Nikon or OnOne's software. I really could use this feature for product photography, as Dina mentioned. :-( 

  • Pratik Kumar

    I would request the same feature. LiveView in Capture pilot would help on many genre of photography but for product flat lays, interior and composite work this would ease the stress of managing multiple softwares and directing stylist/assistants. 

    I can see tech being available to Phase-one users so wonder why its still not available for other brand (nikon, sony, canon..) shooters.

  • David Comdico

    Would also like to have Live View in Capture Pilot.


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