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Re-name photos to filter results better?



  • BeO
    Top Commenter


    I would assign a keyword with the name of the dog to the image. And in case an image shows several dogs at once you can assign several keywords to the image.

    You can filter then for keywords, or better even create smart albums which are saved filters actually.


  • im140.6

    Thanks BeO! Completely forgot about keywording! I guess wedding photographers have to do that to quickly find bride, groom, couple, etc photos. I couldn't imagine going through a ton of photos to pull all the "couple" shots.

    I appreciate your help!

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    I guess wedding photographers mostly work at one wedding at a time and work with sessions for each wedding if using C1, no need to tag single images with names, and their workflow is probably tuned to get the job done as fast as possible, maybe communicate with the couple to select favorites and the keywording is kept to a minimum.

    Your dog use case though seems perfect for keywords and smart albums

    You're welcome




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