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moving multiple images from a single catalogue



  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    A "managed" catalog? Raw files with adjustments?

    Maybe export them as EIP, create a new catalog for them, import and unpack the EIP(s), if it works out delete them from your managed catalog.

  • Robert Read

    If you simply want to move the original files out of Capture One and not keep any processing or metadata, then here are the steps for that:

    Add new external folders to the catalog from within Capture One using the + button next to Folders in the Library tool.

    Then drag images from the catalog collections into the new external folders. This removes the image from "In Catalog" to the external folder. You will see a warning message that this image is being moved, but that is what you want so it's fine. (If you need to move some back just drag them to "In Catalog" to put them back in the catalog.)

    Note, this does not change any of the collections those images are in - at this point, all the images are still managed by the catalog even though they are no longer stored directly inside the catalog. 

    Once you have all the images moved to the new folders, you can delete them from the Capture One catalog which will remove the images from the catalog and collections, but leave them on the disk. Then you can move the new folders to wherever you'd like.



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