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Linux Support

Not currently planned



  • Official comment
    Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi everyone, 
    Thank you for the suggestion - this is not something we are currently working on.

    This does not mean this is a bad suggestion or that it will never be adressed, but in an effort of transparency we want you to know that we are not currently allocating resources to solving this issue.

    We will revisit the status of this thread if and when it changes.

  • Keith Reeder

    there are lots of people like me

    Not really. Certainly not nearly enough to make Linux support financially viable for Capture One.

  • Sebastian Szyszka

    Linux is heavily ingrained in the VFX field, with robust color workflows and GPU support, at the cost of working within very specific OS/dependency boundaries. Even with support as well developed as this, this is a niche within a niche.

    But we can navel gaze all we want, it's ultimately not like P1 are unaware of Linux and its potential install base. If there was business there to support the dev expenditure, they would probably pursue it.


  • Lily

    Hi there,


    Thank you for feedback on Capture One - this is always welcomed and encouraged among our users and we appreciate the time you've taken to contribute towards the development of the software.

    I have forwarded your comments and suggestions to our Product Management team as something to consider in a future release.

    Whilst we cannot comment on future releases, we take all suggestions on board and hopefully your feedback contributes towards a future version of Capture One.

  • Boris Stoyanov

    I disagree. I think Linux support would be a huge market! Linux is starting to gain momentum especially with Windows as a service coming our way!! I have converted 90% of my systems to linux already to gain a  head start. Not to mention the security scares, bugs, and telemetry Windows is sending to HQ. I personally already bought a P1 license and would GLADLY pay another for linux !! Linux is no longer OS for tinkerers and freeware users. There are even paid distros now. Linux IS the next big platform and i believe it is time for serious companies to take a deeper look into it. Please Do consider linux support. 


    Thank you !

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    Linux is starting to gain momentum especially with Windows as a service coming our way!!

    We've been hearing it for more years than I can can remember, Boris - the Great Linux Uprising is always just around the corner.

    Yet here we all are, still waiting.

    When it does, I'm sure Capture One will respond accordingly, But right now, why would they? 

    Wishful thinking is a poor business model.

  • Marcus

    I'm a Capture One Pro user and I dual boot currently (in the future maybe just Linux), and I quite miss Capture One whenever I'm in Linux, and I have to resort to alternatives. Plus making changes to photos outside Capture One is quite messy as Catalogs don't auto-detect changes.

    Thank you!

  • Gregory Reshetniak

    +1 for Linux support

  • FirstName LastName

    I would buy a linux license immediately!

    I believe that is THE chance for capture one to occupy this new market and be the undebatable leader there!

  • Salvatore Nosche6

    Atm i use Manjaro (Arch based) and windows 10 just for C1. But sometimes, when start with linux, i use darktable and similar. So, i prefer C1, but I really hate to use windows.

  • Marc T

    I do audio and video work, currently mostly on a Mac but would really like to switch entirely to linux. On the video side, DaVinci resolve is multi-platform. On the photo side, on linux there is nothing as good as C1 unfortunately.

    Linux does colour management and can use ICC profiles by the way... well as always it depends on which version, but linux distributions backed up by large companies have proper colour management enabled. Packaging and distributing applications has also become much easier with formats like snap or flatpak and their associated app stores. We all know it is always an investment to build software for a new platform but I don't think it's more difficult on linux.

  • Aleš Matýsek

    Very miss C1 on Linux.

  • Tamas Vamos

    +1 Linux please!

  • ST

    Is there any reason why it couldn't be made to run under Wine? I guess the dependency on Microsoft® .NET Framework version 4.7 might pose a problem, but once it is upgraded to version 5.x (which is available for Linux) it might be relatively easy to make it run under Wine.  Are there any other stumbling blocks?

    Running under Wine is of course not an optimal solution, but might be easy (cheap) to accomplish and good enough for some.


  • dee jjjaaaa

    > Is there any reason why it couldn't be made to run under Wine?

    And is there a reason why Wine can't simply run a regular Windows application w/o issues ?

  • ST

    > And is there a reason why Wine can't simply run a regular Windows application w/o issues ?

    Well, Wine does run many regular Windows applications without issues.  Sometimes the use of undocumented features might cause problems, but I think that the problem in this case is that the Capture One program relies on a specific version of the .NET Framework and if that is not installed, it tries to install it.  When I tried to run it, everything looked fine until the installer tried to pull in the framework using some utility that is probably available in Windows.  So I don't think that the major issue is that the programs themselves won't run under Wine, but rather that the problem may be related to the way different components are stitched together.  Just a guess though, from someone who does not have access to the source code.  However, if that is indeed the case, then it would probably be relatively easy to fix.  For someone who has access to the source code and setup details.

  • dee jjjaaaa

    the point was - C1 is a regular Windows application that behaves well enough on a regular Windows OS installation... so it is rather a Wine's developers job to make C1 work in Wine as it is, not Capture One's developers job to do anything differently... their job is to make sure it works on Windows

  • ST

    I know that C1 is a Windows application and also that a number of people would like to use it on Linux.  That is essentially what this feature request is about.  I also know that Wine runs regular, well behaved, Windows applications well.  So why not take advantage of that?

    If the Phase One company isn't confident that there is a large enough number of potential Linux users to justify a full-blown port at this point, then my suggestion is that the developers explore what it would take to make it run under Wine.  As mentioned above, Wine is rather good at running regular Windows applications, so it may very well turn out to be a very simple task to make its installer work with Wine.

    I'm sure that some Wine developer would be happy to take on this task, but since I think that the code is proprietary and closed, it would probably be much easier for those with access to the code (i.e. the C1 developers).

    I assume that Phase One would like to see Linux users as their customers, although they may understandably hesitate to invest a lot if they consider this market segment too small.  Therefore my suggestion is for the C1 developers to investigate whether it would be trivial to make the application install and run under Wine.  I do not suggest that they make massive changes to the application should it turn out that there is some fundamental problem.  I have have seen other cases where a Windows program doesn't work under Wine simply because the developers have included a test to see which version of Windows it is running on.  When that test returns an unpredicted result, the application throws an error rather than doing its best to run...  In at least one such case, it was trivial to make it work without compromising its behaviour on Windows.


  • Gregory Reshetniak

    +1 to Wine as a POC.

  • Denis Huk

    Moved from the archive on 16.05.23.

  • JoJu

    I don't support this "splitting dev resources into a not super widespread OS with lots of variations". It's not only adapting the code but also make Linux users, used to OpenSource software for free to pay for an app.

    "I know that C1 is a Windows application" - well, then you know only half of the truth. Windows and Mac OS are supported from 2007 on and the Pro and DB version were first supported on a Mac. From Mac's Unix version to Linux should not be too far away? Maybe, but why? For 18 people supporting the request? If this 18 would share the costs, fine. But I doubt so and I'm not willing to pay my license fees as long as so many other feature requests are open.

  • ST

    Don't worry JoJu. Many Windows applications, including several from Topaz Labs (DeNoise AI, Sharpen AI, Gigapixel AI, and perhaps Photo AI) now work flawlessly on Linux using Wine, so getting C1 to work seems less urgent today than it might have been a few years ago. We have many more good alternatives today.

  • JoJu

    Ouch, my bad, sorry! Haven't checked the years the request was already waiting.

    Yes, from what I saw from darktable users, there are already good alternatives around. Do you have any idea why Capture One keeps the request "logged"? Never mind, some things don't need to be understood.

  • Brian Jordan

    Yeah.  Why am I getting emails about topics from years back as if they were posted today?  I've also been guilty of replying to an old post not realizing the date.

    IF Capture One wants us to use this form, they really need to make it function somewhat appropriately.  Have I voted a post up or down?  How about some indication?  Am I subscribed to a topic?  Again, a visual indication would be nice.  So many problems here.

    But, amongst the various fires, this is maybe not the most significant.

  • Denis Huk

    Hey everyone!

    We are unarchiving some relevant archived posts that may contain useful information for users looking for answers. This post is one of those.

    You can unsubscribe from a post if you don't want to be notified of new comments.

    And thanks for participating in the discussion - your comments alone provide a lot of information for the whole community.

  • Wolfgang Medlitsch

    Yes, a Linux support will be fine! I generally prefer Linux and because of Windows 11 installation requirements I will have to run Linux as avirtual Machine for internet access and Windows only for Photo and Graphical Editing....


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