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No display of adjustments in Skin Tone colour editor



  • Maik Püschel

    Hi! Yes, I found the same thing. After selecting the skin tool you can no longer use the colour editor. Mac OS Catalina.

  • Omid

    Colour Editor> Advance

    Working on Adjustment layer, I can do everything.

    But once I go to a different image then come back. Adjustment layer and its mask are fine, but the change is Color editor are wiped OUT!!!





  • John Reynolds

    I have this problem too. I've reported it to support. Perhaps you might report it too so they realise it's a widespread issue.

    As a workaround I've found that switching the Colour Editor tool to the Basic tab before leaving the image doesn't result in the edits made previously in the Advanced tab being deleted.


  • Siarhei Maiseichyk

    Have the same issue. :( macOS Catalina, 10.15.4

  • Liam Upshall

    Same issue, tried deleting capture one and reinstalling still doesn't work :( macOS Catalina, 10.15.4 

  • Joseph Doyle

    Same here 13.1, let's hope they fix it soon.

  • Natasha Bulgakova

    The same issue (((

  • Marcelo Dias

    I have issues with skin tone as well. When I make a new layer for my skin tones and use the Skin Tone tool for my adjustments, if I click out of the layer, e.g. to the background, and then go back to the layer, all my skin tone settings disappear! I already reported, but have had no answer from Capture One. Frustrating!

  • Robert Olding

    Same issue here too.

  • Marten ASCENZO

    Same issue. This surely has to be a visibility bug? My adjustments on some photos are disappearing as soon as I change the photo I'm working on. Absolute nightmare for jobs that are due at the moment. 

  • John Reynolds


    As a workaround I've found that switching the Colour Editor tool to the Basic tab before leaving the image prevents the edits made previously in the Advanced tab and the Skin Tone tab being deleted. So if you get into the habit of selecting the Basic tab after doing your edits to the skin tones you should be ok.

    Hope that helps,


  • Natasha Bulgakova

    Hi John,

    Sorry for the question but I'm not so sure which one is the Basic tab? Exposure tab?

  • John Reynolds


    within the Colour Editor Tool itself there are three tabs; "Basic", "Advanced" and "Skin Tone".

    If you make your corrections and edits in "Advanced" or "Skin Tone" and then click on "Basic" before you leave the layer or picture it won't reset your changes.

    Until Capture One fix the bug I am doing my corrections in "Advanced" and then leaving the Colour Editor set to showing "Basic" so as to avoid the problem.


  • Natasha Bulgakova

    Thank you John!

  • Liam Upshall

    SOLUTION: Click the three dots on the colour editor tool, click ‘move tool to scrollable area’. This solved the issue for me!

  • Francisco Rodriguez

    Liam thanks this solved it for me.


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