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Time to support Metal on Mac



  • HeKoVS

    I totally agree - I have the same problems with a NVIDEA GPU and support says succinctly that I should switch off OpenCL. I am so fed up with the arrogance and ignorance of Capture one team to deal with the real problems of the customers. In version 13.0 everything was still ok with the support of the GPU and now it should suddenly no longer work?
    Attempted explanation by CO:
    "Please note that Apple dropped driver support for Nvidia GPUs since Mojave, due to their" bad history "between the companies, meaning no updates come from Nvidia, when the Metal API is constantly developed by apple further. Please try to disable OpenCL completely in preferences, and / or try it on a different machine. "
    We should push them hard to finally use the Metal API and no longer support overdue APIs and upset so many customers.

  • photo by FA

    So they say and admit that Apple develops Metal further but ignore to implement it. Go figure. It’s plain ridiculous 

  • SFA

    I think it may be time to create a Mac specific development route and offer a lower cost Windows version for those of us who have no interest whatsoever in Apple products.

    With the Metal decision and the move to producing their own processors they clearly want to retain total control over their products and their customers and do in in their own way for their specific target market.

    Good luck to them. However I have no interest in paying for any of that policy whether directly or indirectly through third parties  - such a software application developers.

    This seems like a familiar development. Has the Apple been down this path before?

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    If I remember right also Autodesk has ceased their Mac version due to Apple's decision to quit the OpenCL alliance, ignorancy and arrogance I would say (on Apple's side), if I would use such strong words in the public, not knowing any more details and not being able to look into their books; but this would be ridiculous, for that reason.


  • Marco Hyman

    Autodesk lists a lot of supported Mac apps:

    I do not know if these apps use metal or opencl.


  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    It's all driven by ROI numbers, will the huge investment to migrate to a new 'platform' pay off or not. Apperently Autodesk did their math for VRED and Alias and will discontinue them for Mac, but not the others apps. 

    If C1 is going to support both the Mac and Windows version in the future equally as good, their development efforts increase. My guess is they will support Mac / Metal and start putting less budget into the OpenCL / Windows development to maintain a minimum support in order to not lose their Windows customers, but chances are its going to be second priority.

    But that's assuming the majority of current and prospect users are Mac users. If the Windows version will be treated as the unwanted child even more than it is today I am quite sure I will move on to other software, as I will not buy a Mac for a raw developer, unless I find some money to spend just for fun. But time will tell...

    Apple makes this a tough time for smaller companies.

    Btw., this is an interesting read 

  • Darryl Young

    Here's another +1 on supporting Metal.

    I'd love to see the upcoming native ARM build (for the M1 Macs) also support Metal.


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