An AppleScript to to find Adjusted Settings of Variants
I recently found that I had many variants with the CO "Adjusted" set, but where in fact the adjustments had been set back to default values.
Then I needed a script which would list all the a"modified" adjustments of variants - I put this data in the variant metadta as well as the log tso that I could use Filter Tool to select images based on adjsutment tags.
I think this may be generally useful, so I publish the script here.
***Edit*** 2022/02/28 The migrated version of this script would will not complile because the Applescript symbols for "not equal", "less than" and "greater than" were not supported in the migration.Furthermore, this old version will not work with Capture One 20 or later because of a change in the CaptureOne GUI
Consequently I have deleted the old version and will publish a new version in a separate post.
See Updated Script
Thanks Eric,
I've been using your script, which has been very helpful to understand how a migration from Aperture to C1 could work.
First minor issues for anybody else that would re-use it :
- you need to edit the script and replace "Main5M" by the name of your library
- the script editor and the C1 library must be the in the same Space (Mac virtual desktop)
- localisation is needed but very easy, as explained : just re-use the words popping under the mouse with the copy past buttons
set helpTextCopy to "Copier Réglages de la Variante Principale"
set helpTextApply to "Appliquer les réglages aux variantes sélectionnées"
- if you take a too long selection of pics you'll get an apple event time out
- customize before launching the script your camera default setting
set defaultSharpeningAmount to {150.0, 160.0, 180.0} -- 180 for my eos 7DMII
- check out your IPTC tags before using the script as some might be overwritten whatever your settings (country)
Second, the conclusions about the Aperture migration process :
I might make a separate post if I feel this adds value to what has already been said, but so far I see two main points :
- the jpeg importation is sloppy : crop values are messed, which make them unusable. All portrait pics comes as "adjusted" while they are not, the "orientation" tag is wrongly set to "square" more often than not
- if you use jpeg+raw pairing in aperture you only transfer the top one, which might be raw or jpeg, with as a consequence of jpeg sloppiness, results in a global mess
- as advertised a lot of aperture adjustment are not loaded up (curves, levels, contrast, retouches,) some seem randomly applied (tones) and some info disappear (stacks, visage gps)
Actually, I'm currently considering erasing all adjustments migrated in C1 to start from clean and just keep the metadata. And reworking the Aperture database to include all metadata in iptc tags to assure correct migration.0 -
Hi Hugo
I'm glad that someone is using it.
I didn't find that I had to have the Scripts and the Catalog in the same space. My scripts reside on my main drive, my Catalog files on SSD#1 and my Sessions and Image files on SSD#2.
What I did before moving from Aperture to Capture One is create keywords for each image indicating what Aperture adjsutments had been done. And then I made refernce copies of every image thta had been adjusted in Aperture.
If the image had rotation only or cropping only, I thought that the copying of the adjustment was reasonably OK. But if both adjustments were present, one of them would be discarded. So not to hard, In Capture One I selected the images containing both "AptAdjustRotate" and "AptAdjustCrop" and took care of the necessary.
I found (for my cameras) that Capture One defaults were quite good, where I had curves, exposure and contrast adjustments in Aperture I often didn't need anything in Capture One or very little. So better just start over in Capture One.
Another thing to watch for is that in very large collections of images (e.g. "All Images" in a catalog of 10,000 images of more) there can be an interaction between the type of Metadata and the application performance. If a certain Metadata field (considering all images) contains a few unique values, or even a few hundred unique values, no problem. But if there are almost as many unique values as there are images, this results in a significant slowdown of the application. This happened for me when I put the original Aperture Import date into an IPTC Metadata field, and it took me over a year to discover the relationship.
The limitation is due to the Filter Tool - if Filter Tool is visible, it reindexes EVERY metadata field for all the images in the collection every time something might have changed.
For a guy with your background and interest level, it might be an idea to sign up as a Beta Tester. There is often a Beta cycle at a dot release, and also at major releases. 😉 😉 This gives a chance to make comments to the development team about the application before it is released, and results in a better product. Beta test content and results are not allowed to be discussed in any public forum so you will never see comments about it anywhere.0 -
Hi Eric
Thanks for the extensive reply[quote="Eric Nepean" wrote:
I didn't find that I had to have the Scripts and the Catalog in the same space. My scripts reside on my main drive, my Catalog files on SSD#1 and my Sessions and Image files on SSD#2.
I'm referring to Spaces that you create with Mission control. I have 6 of them and photo works is allocated to Space 3, while computer stuff, such as apple scripts are in Space 4. I found the script would not work if the script was not started in Space 3. Spaces are not scriptable so this is not easily solvable. Obviously not a problem if you don't use Spaces. The problem for me is that I can't use the script in the background while going into another Space. And as I'm trying to handle my 30000 pics database, we are speaking of hours of execution time with the computer unavailable.[quote="Eric Nepean" wrote:
I found (for my cameras) that Capture One defaults were quite good, where I had curves, exposure and contrast adjustments in Aperture I often didn't need anything in Capture One or very little. So better just start over in Capture One.
I'm surprised. From my first trials I loose curves, levels, contrast. Basically my best pictures are heavily edited in Aperture, using curves and level, while the other are "automatically adjusted" (where C1 could do similarly or better). So the question on the point to migrate the adjustments.[quote="Eric Nepean" wrote:
The limitation is due to the Filter Tool
I've seen your disclaimer and tried to comply with your instructions. On a 2000 batch, it takes 3-4 second / variant.[quote="Eric Nepean" wrote:
What I did before moving from Aperture to Capture One is create keywords for each image indicating what Aperture adjsutments had been done
Good idea. But again if my adjustments don't transfer, maybe it is not so useful.
By the way there are also additional adjustments made "under the hood" by C1 on noise reduction for high ISO images.[quote="Eric Nepean" wrote:
For a guy with your background and interest level, it might be an idea to sign up as a Beta Tester
Thanks for the suggestion. I believe I might take a little time to digest the info and consider what my next steps will be.0
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