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Need clarifications on Color Management in C1Pro



  • BeO
    Top Commenter
    Hi Philippe,

    Why would you like to work with an internal mystic unknown color profile (C1 internal) for you edits? From my (skin-)deep understanding of color profiles, I think you would rather like to see the color profile suitable to the target device, that might be AdobeRBG for your edits, as your monitor support this to 99%. This way you can assess your edits on your monitor then.

    You might also switch to sRBG at some point if developing for web.

    Menu>View>Soft proof>Selected recipe or choose implicitly a color profile

    Hope this helps

    Edit: You also might want to check the rendering intent (menu>Edit>Preferences>Color), you should notice no difference though in the viewer, if you set AdobeRBG, as the color should not be out of gamut of your monitor

    I don't have a link to Capture One and color management but I can recommend
  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    I think I have to correct myself, as your monitor is capable to show colours even outside the AdobeRBG gamut / colours.

    See the white lines here

    (whereas black lines mean: not covered by monitor / outside colours space definition)

    Hence, if you edit with soft-proofing enabled with an AdobeRGB profile, depening on the Rendering Intent setting the out of (AdobeRGB) gamut colous would be remapped to AdobeRGB thus not using the full capacity of your monitor.

    So, for your edits it might be benifical to see the image in the internal C1 gamut, provided it covers more than AdobeRBG, which I assume.

    Hence, it would be interesting what colour space C1 is using internally!

    Maybe the answer to your first question is Menu>View>Soft proof>No proof profile


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