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Moving catalog from OS X to Windows: 'view only' images!



  • Paul Steunebrink
    The read-only tag can have several causes. To name a few for checking your system.

    - you accidentally run a limited version of Capture One, like Pro DB, Pro Sony, Pro Fujifilm; in CO/Win go to the Help menu, About
    - the drive where the images are stored is read-only from the Windows system; check for the necessary permissions, in particular from the parent folder down to the subfolder and file levels; check for inherited permissions
  • grasjeroen
    Thanks Paul for your suggestions!

    I do run the full version, as I can edit in other catalogs, and even some files in the catalog at hand.
    The permissions of the files are the same on Mac and PC, as I use the same account to access the NAS.

    Any other suggestions?
  • Paul Steunebrink
    [quote="grasjeroen" wrote:
    The permissions of the files are the same on Mac and PC, as I use the same account to access the NAS.

    Unless you have any kind of directory services running in your network, user accounts are different by default between two systems, even two Macs or Windows systems.

    Don't be fooled by the name of the account. That is not what counts.
  • grasjeroen
    I am not talking about the account with which I log in to OS X or Windows. I have a separate account on my NAS, which is used by the different systems to access the files. So I'd say I do use the same account for accessing the files (and that is what counts, I'd say).

    However, accounts are unfortunately not the issue. I did some more testing, and have created a new catalog on my Windows system. Here I imported (by reference, so no change in location) the images that are in the catalog that shows the eye icon. In the new catalog all images are perfectly editable. So I'd say the culprit is in the catalog.

    More clues?
  • Paul Steunebrink
    Okay, account issues ruled out. 😉

    The catalog. What you could do is put some read-only images in an Album. Export that Album as a catalog. Open that catalog. Read-only yes/no?

    Next, import that catalog into a new catalog. Read-only yes/no?

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