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Reset all file permissions to default (Mojave)



  • Robert Farhi
    Hi Andy,

    I see you have plenty of "everyone", but where are you, as administrator ?
    I could imagine that the administrator only would be able to edit or delete any picture.
    I think you should be able to restore the permission without using the terminal, which is not the natural way of managing the system.
  • Andy Nickless
    Thanks for your reply, Robert.
    Here I am, logged in as Admin, and with the padlock undone, the minus is greyed out.

    I can actually change the "privilege" to read and write for everyone, but even if I do them all (in this case seven of them) it makes no difference.

    Capture One flags them with the little icon in the bottom right corner, and I can't do any editing or even put a watermark and export a jpeg. Photoshop won't let me edit them either.

    You can see that the image here is pretty big. I scanned it in myself, from an old negative, so I can't understand what's happening with the permissions.

  • Benjamin Liddle
    Permissions aside, Capture One treats all single-channel JPG and TIF files as Read-Only. Thus the crossed-out-pencil icon.
  • Andy Nickless
    Oh joy!
    Scan them all in again - as colour images even though they're black and white?
  • Robert Farhi
    You have an other possibility if you don't want to scan them again (I had the same issue when I shifted from LR to C1) : edit them with Photoshop, Affinity Photo, or any other similar software, and change the mode from gray to RGB, save them and it's all. That's what I did.....
  • Shane Baker
    [quote="tenmangu81" wrote:
    You have an other possibility if you don't want to scan them again (I had the same issue when I shifted from LR to C1) : edit them with Photoshop, Affinity Photo, or any other similar software, and change the mode from gray to RGB, save them and it's all. That's what I did.....

    Putting aside the question of why C1 can't handle greyscale - it would be nice if there were a more elegant solution to this.

    I'm still finding grayscale images from my pre-C1 days, and round-tripping to Affinity Photo is a bit of a cludge.

  • Andy Nickless
    Thanks for your help with this.

    I should mention that the permissions issue was solved by using this (Apple Support) link:

    As for Capture One not handling greyscale, I'm speechless.
    As with not being able to keyword small image files (and not recognising Affinity .afphoto images) it beggars belief.

    I fail to understand the reasoning, and (for me) these issues take the shine off an otherwise superb application.
  • Eric Valk
    [quote="AndyN" wrote:
    Thanks for your help with this.

    I should mention that the permissions issue was solved by using this (Apple Support) link:

    As for Capture One not handling greyscale, I'm speechless.
    As with not being able to keyword small image files (and not recognising Affinity .afphoto images) it beggars belief.

    I fail to understand the reasoning, and (for me) these issues take the shine off an otherwise superb application.

    What's even more irritating, is that you can't manipulate the metadata for these images - ratings, keywords, IPTC, color tags.

    This makes the situation doubly hard to manage if you have a great number of them.
  • Andy Nickless
    I totally agree, Eric.
    I have made my feelings known on the support page:

    You might like to do the same..?

    Best wishes, Andy
  • Eric Valk
    [quote="AndyN" wrote:
    I totally agree, Eric.
    I have made my feelings known on the support page:

    You might like to do the same..?

    Best wishes, Andy

    I’ve raised a number of tickets on these an other issues.
    The investigator understands, agrees, “We’ll submit that engineeringâ€,sends “Kind Regardsâ€

    Eventually the ticket is closed and nothing happens.

    The most egregious omission affecting me is that Lens ID is not shown for JPEGs from Panasonic cameras. I’ve been raising futile tickets on that for years.

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