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Capture One 9.1 released!



  • Nigel Roberson
    Downloaded 9.1 and it's crashed my PC out of sight. Rubbish.
  • RichardT
    [quote="Nigel Roberson" wrote:
    Downloaded 9.1 and it's crashed my PC out of sight. Rubbish.

    What version of windows are you using? Are you using a Windows 10 insider build by any chance?

    I have just installed CO v.9.1 on windows 7 and it's working fine.

  • Nigel Roberson
    Win 7. Previous C1 worked well. I use it to tether a D800 for digitising 6x6 negs. When the download wanted a restart it didn't, well not for 10 mins so I had to restart and it wouldn't. Thanks to Restore the PC is back to my last restore point. 9.1 is nowhere to be seen. 2 hrs wasted this afternoon.
  • RichardT
    Hi Nigel,

    When you say "the download wanted a restart" do you mean that the Capture One installer wanted to restart the PC?

    That didn't happen for me, at the end of the installation it just gave me the option to launch Capture One with no restart.

    I wonder if your PC was installing something else in the background (e.g. windows update) and it was that that wanted the restart?

  • BeO
    Top Commenter
    Win 7. I deinstalled previous C1 completely (though this might possbily not even be necessary). Installed 9.1, no restart requried, until now everything works smoothly.
  • Richard Allen
    I'm running Windows 10 and the Capture one installer for version 9.1 asked me to re-start my computer, which it did without any problem.

    I am finding that the new version is running a lot slower on my computer than 9.0.3 did though, a lot slower...
  • BeO
    Top Commenter
    [quote="Richard_Allen" wrote:

    I am finding that the new version is running a lot slower on my computer than 9.0.3 did though, a lot slower...

    What exactly?
  • JOhn Brummer
    For me, 9.1 install on windows 8 asked for a reboot, I suspect it's because I enabled some driver install checkbox during the install dialog (that I should not have, since I don't own Phase one hardware - I have a nikon d810). After reboot, windows had a black screen for a long time ( as in explorer did not load), and then came back with some message that there was a driver (dll?) error. I could not reproduce the issue during reboot (I did not re-install), and there's no events in the Windows eventlog (possibly because I disabled them). All seems working now, I've converted the catalog and so far everything looks good.
  • Richard Allen
    [quote="BeO" wrote:
    [quote="Richard_Allen" wrote:

    I am finding that the new version is running a lot slower on my computer than 9.0.3 did though, a lot slower...

    What exactly?

    The opening of images, any alterations I make to an image take a long time to implement themsleves, zoming in, making an alteration and then zooming back out takes a long time; basically everything is taking longer, much longer.
  • SFA
    [quote="Richard_Allen" wrote:
    [quote="BeO" wrote:
    [quote="Richard_Allen" wrote:

    I am finding that the new version is running a lot slower on my computer than 9.0.3 did though, a lot slower...

    What exactly?

    The opening of images, any alterations I make to an image take a long time to implement themsleves, zoming in, making an alteration and then zooming back out takes a long time; basically everything is taking longer, much longer.

    That's certainly not the case for me Richard.

    Running sessions on Win 7 Pro.

  • Luke Miller
    9.1 working beautifully here. Windows 10 and catalog. My 36 mpx D810 images do not seem to slow it down (unlike Lightroom, which struggles on the same machine).
  • Denis Mortell
    I updated this morning and have just processed a small job I did earlier.

    1. I Exported 8 files and, for the first time ever with Capture 1, I had a failed (one) Export. The file exported no problem the second time. Let's see how it continues.

    2. On a more serious note: the bug in the Advanced Colour Editor, which I highlighted to Support, and which they agreed was "major", does not appear to have been fixed. It's simply as follows: Using the Pick Colour Correction tool in the ACE, if you click on an area of solid colour in an image noting(!) the RGB readout at the top of the screen, the RGB readout in the Colour Editor will be identical. Perfect. However, if you make either a Curves or a Levels adjustment (or both) to the image, BEFORE taking the colour sample, the RGB reading at the top of the screen and that of the ACE will be very different. The Curves/Levels adjustments are not sticking, I was told, and this bug would be addressed. It doesn't appear to have been. Pity.

    I'm Windows 10.

  • Nigel Roberson
    A second attempt and 9.1 working ok. I didn't include the camera app this time as it is not used. As for speed I see no difference, it's still very quick.
  • Horst Schranz
    in the tonal values tool you have changed the mouse behavior of these little "noses". Now I have to strike them VERY exactly and I get really mad!! I want to have the old behavior back where the mouse changes into arrows. Pleeeease!! 😕
  • Robert Whetton
    WOW! what a performance hit! everything is so sluggish, back to previous version for me! 🤬

    well in the time it took me to re-install 9.0.3, edit and export the job, is the same time it took to nearly render the previews in 9.1! (i say nearly because, 9.1 didn't actually finish rendering before i force quit)
  • Christian Gruner
    We can't see any performance-degrades in CO win 9.1. It would be very helpful if you could have our Supporters take a look at your setup.

    Please create a Support Case right away.
  • Roger Eads
    Just installed 9.1 under Win 10 and although a reboot was required all went smoothly. However, when I processed my first lot of files I have two process recipes set up for TIFF and JPEG. The JPEG files seem fine but the TIFF files have chunks of metadata missing, including date taken and most of the camera info. The recipe hasn't changed since before the update and is set to include all the data.
  • nellansphoto
    Upgraded from 9.0.3 to 9.1 on Windows 10. Everything seems fine performance-wise. But, I'm hitting a bug where my Export settings don't save. After I close CO it does not save my export settings.
  • RichardT
    [quote="nellansphoto" wrote:
    Upgraded from 9.0.3 to 9.1 on Windows 10. Everything seems fine performance-wise. But, I'm hitting a bug where my Export settings don't save. After I close CO it does not save my export settings.

    I have the same problem on Windows 7 - see
  • Robert Whetton
    put in a support ticket weeks ago, no response 🤓
  • SFA
    [quote="Bobtographer" wrote:
    put in a support ticket weeks ago, no response 🤓

    Did you get a reference number?

    If so have you logged in to see if there has been any activity?

    If no activity, add a comment to the Case - that should produce a result although if your ticket was for something that is generic and affecting many people it may be better that resource is allocated to resolving the issue than entering into one on one exchanges. That notwithstanding it is very unusual to get no response at all - hence the suggestion to check the state of the Case if you have not already done so.


  • NNN635954762126132398
    When I connect my new A6300 Sony to PC running Capture One (for Sony) says no camera connected, only shows folder
  • Christian Gruner
    [quote="NNN635954762126132398" wrote:
    When I connect my new A6300 Sony to PC running Capture One (for Sony) says no camera connected, only shows folder

    Remember to put the camera in PC-remote in the USB settings.
  • NNN635954762126132398
    Yes, I put camera in MTP mode for the USB. Still not showing as connected although I can still import from the folder. Also, I just updated to 9.1.1. No different.
  • Christian Gruner
    [quote="NNN635954762126132398" wrote:
    Yes, I put camera in MTP mode for the USB. Still not showing as connected although I can still import from the folder. Also, I just updated to 9.1.1. No different.

    MTP will not work.
    It has to set to PC Remote.
  • Magnus Rönnkvist
    Hi everybody!

    I wanted to show you these errors i keep getting all the time, they happen when copy and paste adjustments from one photo to another. It's really really annoying as it happens all the time and i can't seem to do anything about it. Anyone else experience the same bugs ?! it makes it really tough to use for any professional work within the fast workflow for sports and news i would like to use it in.

    I have submitted a case to support but i guess i should not expect any miracles within my lifetime.. ☹️

    / Magnus
  • Vesa Kalervo Ekholm
    [quote="Bobtographer" wrote:
    WOW! what a performance hit! everything is so sluggish, back to previous version for me! :evil

    Same here ! Had to revert back to 9.0.3
  • BeO
    Top Commenter
    Hi Vesa, which version is sluggish, 9.1 or 9.1.1? Bobtographer just reported in the 9.1.1 release thread that his sluggishness is gone...
  • Vesa Kalervo Ekholm
    [quote="BeO" wrote:
    Hi Vesa, which version is sluggish, 9.1 or 9.1.1? Bobtographer just reported in the 9.1.1 release thread that his sluggishness is gone...

    Hello BeO, Both 9.1 and 9.1.1

    I went back to 9.0.3 and everything works just fine again.

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