Copy "copyright notice" as "title and description"
When I imported my Lightroom catalog to Capture One, the tittle from the images was copied to the IPC Status/Copyright section. I didn't care until now, that I want to export all my old images and they doesn't have the title on the keywords.
Is there any method to copy them?
From "copyright" to "tittle".
Thank you.
When I imported my Lightroom catalog to Capture One, the tittle from the images was copied to the IPC Status/Copyright section. I didn't care until now, that I want to export all my old images and they doesn't have the title on the keywords.
Is there any method to copy them?
From "copyright" to "tittle".
Thank you.
You can use this script to copy the copyright into the title field for each selected image.
tell front document of application "Capture One 12"
repeat with v in (variants whose selected is true)
set status title of v to status copyright notice of v
end repeat
end tell0 -
Thank you for your help, but I'm on Windows and I doesn't have that option. 0 -
That complicates things, as Windows doesn't have a scripting environment like macOS does, so you'll need an external tool in order to automate the process. ExifTool,, is generally a good option. There are several GUIs available, which might be able to do what you need more easily. 0 -
Take a look at PhotoMechanic. It can do a lot of substitutions like that. Should have a trial available if you do not have a long term need. Good luck, Larry 0
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