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Layers included in a saved Style



  • Matthias Wassermann
    I am looking for the same solution.

    I need to save layers in a style and want to automatically apply the style in a session in the Studio. How Can I do this?
  • Eric Valk
    [quote="MAWA_73527" wrote:
    I am looking for the same solution.

    I need to save layers in a style and want to automatically apply the style in a session in the Studio. How Can I do this?

    I can write a very simple Applescript that creates a new layer and copies the adjustments of a style to that layer. (later this weekend)

    Ccpying the adjustments of a style to a layer can also be done manually.
  • Eric Valk
    [quote="MAWA_73527" wrote:
    I am looking for the same solution.

    I need to save layers in a style and want to automatically apply the style in a session in the Studio. How Can I do this?

    As promised here's an applescript that creates a new layer in the slected variant with filled mask, and copies the adjustments of some style to that layer.

    set styleName to "ReferenceStyle"
    tell application "Capture One 12" to tell primary variant
    set theNewLayer to make new layer
    fill mask theNewLayer
    apply style theNewLayer named styleName
    end tell

    To make this useful, all you need to do is:

    • save the adjustments you want as a style called "ReferenceStyle"

    • Using Script Editor, save this script to the folder [color=#0000FF:2aiocayo]/Users/yourusername/Library/Scripts/Capture One Scripts[/color:2aiocayo]
      • replace yourusername with your user name on your Mac
      • Choose a memorable name for the script
    • Execute "Scripts>Update Scripts Menu" in Capture One

    When you have selected a new variant, select this script from the Capture One Scripts menu, and the variant will get a new layer with a filled mask and your style applied.

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