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Adding metadata to multiple files



  • PSowels
    This is very frustrating - I know - the only way I have found of doing this is to save as a user preset and then select the files and go to that user preset. All the selected files should then be populated with the Metadata you have saved in the preset.

  • SFA
    I can't be sure about possible differences with Mac (I run Windows) but I can set up a 'master' image with various metadata values and then use the usual copy facilities, select which fields to include and exclude and Apply to all selected images without the need to create a preset. Works very well for bulk field entries for bulk image selections.

    You do need to double check that you have included/excluded all the fields and just the fields you wish to update for that batch selection. On the plus side you can add the basic common information for a shoot to hundred or thousands of images in a second or so.

    For adding, say, keyword entries to a selection of images go to the Library tool and open up the filters (or just open a floating version of the filter tool) and then drag the image set over to the field you wish to populate. Works very well for pre-existing Place and Keyword information.


    Grant Perkins
  • David Nusbaum
    Adding meta data to multiple photos seems to work fairly well via either of the methods described. Removing a keyword from multiple images seems to be more challenging. I haven't found a way to do it yet..
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    [quote="SFA" wrote:
    I can't be sure about possible differences with Mac (I run Windows) but I can set up a 'master' image with various metadata values and then use the usual copy facilities, select which fields to include and exclude and Apply to all selected images without the need to create a preset. Works very well for bulk field entries for bulk image selections.

    You do need to double check that you have included/excluded all the fields and just the fields you wish to update for that batch selection. On the plus side you can add the basic common information for a shoot to hundred or thousands of images in a second or so.

    For adding, say, keyword entries to a selection of images go to the Library tool and open up the filters (or just open a floating version of the filter tool) and then drag the image set over to the field you wish to populate. Works very well for pre-existing Place and Keyword information.


    Grant Perkins

    Thanks, Grant.

    I tried using the copy and apply method described in your first para, and that seemed to work for me.

    I'm not sure what you mean by what you said in your final para. Could you explain a little more, for a comparative beginner?

  • SFA
    [quote="Ian3" wrote:
    [quote="SFA" wrote:
    I can't be sure about possible differences with Mac (I run Windows) but I can set up a 'master' image with various metadata values and then use the usual copy facilities, select which fields to include and exclude and Apply to all selected images without the need to create a preset. Works very well for bulk field entries for bulk image selections.

    You do need to double check that you have included/excluded all the fields and just the fields you wish to update for that batch selection. On the plus side you can add the basic common information for a shoot to hundred or thousands of images in a second or so.

    For adding, say, keyword entries to a selection of images go to the Library tool and open up the filters (or just open a floating version of the filter tool) and then drag the image set over to the field you wish to populate. Works very well for pre-existing Place and Keyword information.


    Grant Perkins

    Thanks, Grant.

    I tried using the copy and apply method described in your first para, and that seemed to work for me.

    I'm not sure what you mean by what you said in your final para. Could you explain a little more, for a comparative beginner?


    Hi Ian,

    Hmm, entirely clear is it! Sorry.

    Try this blog entry that describes the options fo keywording files ... r-catalog/

    You want the "drag and drop" section at the end.

    Basically once you have an entry for a keyword that you wish to use (you have to add it at least once to an image file somewhere to make it available) you can use the FILTERS tool to display the list of available keywords and simply images onto that listed keyword to add the word to the file (and increase the usage count). You can drag a single file or select several files (using the usual methods for the operating system) and drag a representative image over the keyword and then release. One keyword at a time for this but your selected image or batch is retained so dragging it over to several keywords one after the other is easy enough. This probably works best at the most detailed level of keywording where creating a batch or a pre-set does not make much sense.


    Grant Perkins
  • SFA
    [quote="nusbaum" wrote:
    Adding meta data to multiple photos seems to work fairly well via either of the methods described. Removing a keyword from multiple images seems to be more challenging. I haven't found a way to do it yet..

    True. Removing a single keyword, or even several, from an image is easy enough but batching such a change is not so easy. There is also some potential for de-duplication methods.

    It's an activity that probably needs to be handled with some caution - an excess of keywords might be preferable, on balance, to a lack of them.

    In past lives in different areas of keyword application this always concerned me. The only clear deletion that was easy to accepts was a word that was in error (wrong spelling, inappropriate for any use or simply a waste of time because it was so common that almost all records had it attached!)

    I think there is scope for some additional features - but we may have missed something.

    Does anyone have any suggestions?

    I'll start off with De-duplication. To be done via automatic suggestion or a user requested search. User to be able to select which form of the duplicated keyword to prefer if there is a choice. Tick box to include or skip. "Set all" and "clear all selections buttons".

    Anyone else?

    Grant Perkins
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    [quote="SFA" wrote:

    Try this blog entry that describes the options fo keywording files ... r-catalog/

    You want the "drag and drop" section at the end.

    Basically once you have an entry for a keyword that you wish to use (you have to add it at least once to an image file somewhere to make it available) you can use the FILTERS tool to display the list of available keywords and simply images onto that listed keyword to add the word to the file (and increase the usage count). You can drag a single file or select several files (using the usual methods for the operating system) and drag a representative image over the keyword and then release. One keyword at a time for this but your selected image or batch is retained so dragging it over to several keywords one after the other is easy enough. This probably works best at the most detailed level of keywording where creating a batch or a pre-set does not make much sense.


    Grant Perkins

    Ah, I get it now. Thanks for taking the time. That works nicely for me. 😄

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    ... but, sorry, now that leads on to more questions!

    If I create a keyword, such as "Flamingo" I can drag all my flamingo pictures in a session over that keyword, and it adds it to them all. But it only seems to create the keyword for that session. If I have flamingo pictures in another session (and I do!) I have to create the keyword again in the second session, and drag images in that session to it.

    (1) Is there a way of having keywords available across all sessions without having to create them each time, and

    (2) Is there in any case a way of finding images with the same keyword in different sessions - so if I wanted to find all my flamingo pictures whatever session they were in, could I do it?

    (I'm pretty new to the whole practice of using keywords, as you can see. Trying to impose some order on my growing collection of images!)

  • H. Cremers
    One way is to have one "proxy" image, which carries all keywords of your session. Import that into the other session to harvest the keywords.

    But, such cases are actually catalog domain, since session were created for a totally different purpose. Catalogs in CO7 may not yet bring everything you want though.

    I'm using MP for cataloging.
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    [quote="HCS" wrote:
    One way is to have one "proxy" image, which carries all keywords of your session. Import that into the other session to harvest the keywords.

    But, such cases are actually catalog domain, since session were created for a totally different purpose. Catalogs in CO7 may not yet bring everything you want though.

    I'm using MP for cataloging.

    If I use MP, do keywords from C1 carry across to MP and vice versa?

  • H. Cremers
    yes, although i don't use that myself. I do use this for ratings though. I rate rather liberally in MP, then move those to CO and do further inspection in CO. I then adjust my ratings and sync them back to MP.

    Works well.
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    [quote="HCS" wrote:
    yes, although i don't use that myself. I do use this for ratings though. I rate rather liberally in MP, then move those to CO and do further inspection in CO. I then adjust my ratings and sync them back to MP.

    Works well.

    I'll have to think about the cost. Thanks.

  • David Nusbaum
    I have to believe the Capture One Catalog will take on more of the Media Pro functionality over time, although I have no direct knowledge of this. It seems that Phase One has all of the underpinnings in place now and all they need to do is start adding some more user functionality. The one thing that I am really missing is the ability to remove a keyword from selected images. Right now I can remove a keyword from the primary image, even when multiple are selected. Simply adding an option key to delete from selected images would be a huge step forward. After that, hierarchical keywords would be nice. Media Pro does this today, so I hope to see that functionality move over to Capture One.

    7.0 was the first release of Capture One to include the catalog, so these capabilities may take a while to mature. But, from my point of view, the RAW processing is still the best in the industry and that is why I use it.

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