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Several doubts about C1 9.0.2



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    Hi Carlos

    I can answer (1) but not the others.

    Using the Alt key to switch between brush and eraser used to be how it worked up to Version 7 (if I remember right). But they did change that because the Alt key now has a new function. Details here .

    So now you have to use E and B. (You could always use them, but the Alt trick was also available.) I had been accustomed to using Alt that way, but I have to say that I quite quickly got used to using B and E instead.

  • Carlos_
    Thanks a lot Ian. It comes as a surprise to know that, according to the link, it was changed prior to september 2014, since most of the learning materials I've been using are from 2015. I can't remember where I learnt it, anyway. It's a pity this shortcut is gone, couldn't they make it context dependant? (set source when in repair layer, keep old behaviour when in adjustment layer) Nevermind, I can live with B / E and I still don't know if I'll keep using C1.

    If anyone knows the answer to the other questions, any help or info will be welcome. Thanks again.

    PS. I've managed to change my forum name to something human xD

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