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Capture pilot to Ipad To large monitor?



  • Drew Altdo
    If it is a Smart TV you can try the Web Option of Capture Pilot in Capture One 7.
  • Daniel Goldwasser
    I just started experimenting with this as well and I think it's pretty straightforward.
    Using the airplay mirroring function on your iphone or iPad you can mirror what ever is on the screen, including capture pilot.
    It's perhaps not as elegant if airplay were built into the app, but it seems to work nonetheless.

    Next week my rMBP arrives and I'm hoping to try mirroring the desktop to the apple tv, thus skipping capture pilot and the iPad all together. Has anyone tried this?

    Just looking for an alternate more simplified way to set up a reliable wireless remote client monitor.
  • stephan alessi
    You want to download Air Display on your iPad and you're good to go. Open a separate C1 viewer for the iPad.

    if need be, then screen share with a second MBP or iMAC and under displays just select the iPad...

    boom you've got the main station for the tech, ipad for photographer and iMac for clients.

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