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Keywording (poss Hierarchical?)for image library submission



  • Baxter Bradford
    Well 37 views, but no-one able to offer any advice.

    Reply from my support case is this
    'Hi - we read your questions and input - however the applications are different and keywording cannot be shared/imported - this goes both ways.
    There are no intentions to change this as Media PRO have reached a stage where more and more features are adopted into Capture One in terms of features and camera use. We are sorry if this does not meet your intentions or wishes.'

    Sounds like development of Media Pro has stopped. I've been looking at Photo Mechanic which looks really well featured to do the tasks - however, I discovered today that it cannot read IIQ files from Phase One backs. Photo Mechanic read in two separate Hierarchical keyword sets from .txt files in an instant and merged them. Just as I would have expected.

    Looks like the way ahead is to create keyword sets in Photo Mechanic from the hierarchical lists, apply them to my NEF files and then copy across to similar IIQ images in another application LR5 or Media Pro.
  • Robert Edwards

    David Riecks site is very useful for keywording strategies. As is the ASMP dpBestflow site.

    Phase One have video tutorials on using Media Pro. Peter Krogh shows how to use Sets which you can substitute with keywords. I still find Media Pro the fastest catalog app to keyword with. Photo Mechanic is the fastest image browser for keywording.

    My advice is steer clear of hierarchical keywords if you want to share and use keywords with photo libraries. Media Pro uses the Adobe hierarchical keyword namespace, which while working within the IPTC Core XMP standard, they may require end users to have the namespace mapped to see it. In theory Media Pro writes legacy IPTC keywords alongside any hierarchical keywords you add, but in practise I've seen the two sometimes cause conflicts.

    Legacy IPTC keywords, while messy to read in a long flat structure, can at least be read by almost any app including operating systems.

    -- Robert.

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