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Media Pro SE (Simple Edition)



  • Jim MSP
    It appears to be a service update that adds a few new cameras, fixes a few bugs, and still doesn't communicate with CO catalogs.
    And Phase One is charging for it. Shame on them. 😭
  • Thies
    Release notes can be found at the download page:
  • NNN635760117320345132
    I was really excited about the new Media Pro SE version when it was announced. We have been waiting so long for a real update and software progression but after a quick evaluation I'm beyond disappointed. It's basically just an update to Media Pro 1.5.2 that you have to pay for now. No real improvements. The metadata scheme is still the old IPTC core only. They didn't even update that to the IPTC extended metadata scheme. As far as I can see they have just updated a few small things and added additional camera format support. What a disappointment, Media Pro is really falling behind the curve. I would have paid 350 Euros for a real update but instead Phase One gave me the same old ……
  • macsrock
    so to upgrade to broken software I have to pay?
    Pay for something that wont even work with their own camera software?
    trust this company to make media pro viable?


    I doubt I will ever spend another penny on this loser company
  • David Williams
    Yes, I was looking forward to a version that would run on Windows 10 - what a disapointment! As others have said, no rela change from the previous version - if anything SE is less stable than previous.

    Still it is nice to knwo that you can still pay to test out beta software.
  • snooks
    So essentially it's still iView in black? :0)

    And still not optimised for retina displays.

    [slow hand clap]
  • Ulf Liljegren

    Please observe forum rules.

    so to upgrade to broken software I have to pay?


    Also try to be factual:

    Pay for something that wont even work with their own camera software?

    Sure does.

    Need help? Create a support case.
  • GJT_West
    But Ulf you do agree Simple Edition is broken? You made fun of the poster but didn't really respond to his point that Media Pro Simple Edition is dead on arrival. It certainly does not handle a catalog of 122K images. 1.5.2 did, but not Simple Edition.

    Maybe since you have arrived on the forum to poke fun at and belittle people, you will also take a moment to address the near universal condemnation of your new release.
  • Ulf Liljegren

    We are not making "fun" of anyone..
    I am kindly reminding about forum rules which is not observed.

    If something is broken in Media Pro SE (NOT Simple Edition ) then make a support case and report it.
    Alt. Support might help you resolve the issue you have!
  • macsrock
    don't worry UCS308 these clowns could never make fun of stuff works!

    They don't really have a grasp on the fact that we are customers.
    Their software is (MP) is a trainwreck.
    Rudness seems to be the norm with this company....but I'm beginning to realize it is more of a cultural/language barrier thing.

    So UCS308, what I'm saying is you are wasting your time. They don't care.
  • NN252288UL
    [quote="macsrock" wrote:
    So UCS308, what I'm saying is you are wasting your time. They don't care.

    But they should! I've been using this software since iView Pro 3, but I can't see a reason to "upgrade" my 1.5 version to SE. So if they want my money, the should offer a real value for it!
  • RobiWan
    [quote="NN252288UL" wrote:
    but I can't see a reason to "upgrade" my 1.5 version to SE. So if they want my money, the should offer a real value for it!

    Maybe I'm wrong but in my opinion - the new Version has nothing on the feature list. The only one thing is new - MP can run under new OS versions (Windows 10, OSX El Capitan).
    Now Phase One "can" see how much people (old users) buying a Upgrade. Will there be a lot of people - Further development is necessary. If not - development can be terminated.
  • NN252288UL
    [quote="RobiWan" wrote:
    Maybe I'm wrong but in my opinion - the new Version has nothing on the feature list. The only one thing is new - MP can run under new OS versions (Windows 10, OSX El Capitan).

    Well, 1.5 is running without problems on my El Capitan Mac.

    [quote="RobiWan" wrote:
    Now Phase One "can" see how much people (old users) buying a Upgrade. Will there be a lot of people - Further development is necessary. If not - development can be terminated.

    I don't think that they are so stupid to think that further development is only necessary if a lot of users pay for a bugfix. There are better ways to check that.
  • Phrank
    hi, i just downloaded the new (second edition) version and also wonder what has changed or improved since the last i checked the release notes pdf - only a few bug fixes and a few improvements - nothing really amazing.
    thanks for the new camera raw profiles, but that's it.
    i really wonder about this software. once i bought lomg time ago as iView Media pro it was more or less the best DAM software on the market and got good support and from time to time some updates and upgrades.
    under microsoft it was a disaster and total disappointment - shame on ms.
    i was quite happy when phase one aquired it, but after some little face lifting again no real upgrades.
    at least it's still alive - aperture r.i.p. - shame on apple too - i will never buy any pro app from apple anymore.
    it would be nice if it's focus more on iptc metadata, synonyms, controlled vocabulary and maybe a faster, intuitive better visual GUI (something similar to apple's aperture / photos with key images for collections). well i'm not sure if it's worth the update price - only to be able import my new camera's photos... so far it's rather still a Media Pro LE
  • Robert Edwards
    To be fair to Microsoft they did a lot of maintenance with Expression Media. They rewrote a lot code to tidy it up and fixed years of bugs. They also added the Help file. Microsoft had a lot of big plans for Expression Media before Ray Ozzie said their core business is Windows and Office - not graphics software.

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