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Hardware recommendation for running C1



  • SFA

    I use a Dell Precision Notebook.

    I bought it 4 years ago because I needed an upgrade for some software testing I was about to undertake (NOT photo processing) and I needed to move to 64bit Windows for C1.

    So this it 4+ years old technology and it still preforms well enough for my needs.

    The main (original) SSD drive is now quite full and the secondary 1TB SSD drive I installed needs clearing out - it is VERY full.

    I added 16GB Ram to make 24GB in total.

    I would very happily buy another. Indeed I may do so soon. I'm not sure why - I don't really need to from a performance POV.

    I suspect that the headline CPU and Memory numbers for a claimed specification are not necessarily as meaningful as we might like them to be. The "hidden" configuration of less discussed components may be far more meaningful for practical purposes.

  • Alain Decamps
    If you're building a new PC for CO I would go for :

    i7-6700K or i7-7700K --> fastest single core and 8 threads with hyperthreading
    AMD RX480 (fast open CL and not to expensive even an RX470 if the price is right)

    It's easier to update a GPU within a few years than a CPU.

    BTW off course SDD and 16GB RAM min.
  • Class A
    Thanks SFA and Alain!

    Thanks in particular for the concrete hardware component recommendations. I've read good things about the AMD RX480 elsewhere (asynchronous processing) and apparently a scalable architecture but I wonder whether I should wait for an update from AMD. Apparently the card is not the quietest and I'd prefer a very quiet system.
  • Alain Decamps
    [quote="Class A" wrote:
    Thanks SFA and Alain!

    Thanks in particular for the concrete hardware component recommendations. I've read good things about the AMD RX480 elsewhere (asynchronous processing) and apparently a scalable architecture but I wonder whether I should wait for an update from AMD. Apparently the card is not the quietest and I'd prefer a very quiet system.

    I would be very surprised that there are no virtually quiet AMD RX480 board's, when used with C1. The RX480 will use some 220 watt's at full speed and that's not such a big problem to cool. (The NVIDEA 1080 will use more watt peak.)

    I have a older Sapphire 7870 board and I only hear my PC when doing heavy things (I don't game).

    I've looked at one of the "Sapphire NITRO+ Radeon RX 480" boards for the 2 displayport and 1 DVI-D connectors (and 2 HDMI). The website states that it has quiet cooling and the cooling solution seems logic.
  • Fernando Javier Giménez Cepero
    My experience with my equipment and capture one pro 10.0.1 and openCL auto:

    Exporting 100 nefs from d800 14 bit lossless compressed to tiff 8 bits (full size)with sharpening for print (80) (103 mb each file generated)= 107 secs.
    Exporting to jpg 20 cm width sharpened for print (80), file generated of 2 mb=96 secs.

    I7 920 (stock 2,66 Ghz), 2 amd radeon asus r9 280x 3 gb, 18 gb of ram. Pictures on hdd seagate 2 tb barracuda , catalog in 840 samsung ssd, exported files to ssd samsung 850, all internal and half full.Latest amd drivers (january) (17.1 i think).
    Ram never went higher than 8-9 gb ( from 1 gb to 3 gb used by capture one).Recently opened the amount of ram that it is used is aprox 5-6Gbs.

    Monitoring writes on 850 ssd ranges between 30 to 130 mb/s (aprox 80 mb/s) in exporting tiffs and aproximately 2-5 mb/s with jpgs. CPu activity aprox 65-70 %, gpus aprox 30-50%
    Monitor of 2550 pix width (previews generated od 2560)

    Adjusts in sliders almost instant, panning a picture at 100% takes 1-2 secs to make it sharp( i think it is dependent on cpu but didnt test it).Those are impressions but not tested thouroughly. I didnt test performance in local adjustments.

    I had sufferd several times blue screens while exporting. Those issues where generated when upgrading amd drivers without previously uninstalling older drivers, or overclocking the cpu to 3,4-3,6 Ghz( i dont have probably good ram or good skills), and also because my two gpu arent identical(1 with higer clocks and higher frecuency ) and the specs of clock and frequency didnt match the lower specced. Now i dont have problems.

    Ahh. Open cl benchmark in imgcoreexternal.log is 0,100740 and 0,104446 for each gpu

    In compubench opencl benchmark "video composition" 73 frames/s

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