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Applescript to find Offline Files



  • Paul Steunebrink
    This is really awesome! Thanks for sharing, this will help many users.
  • Francesco Nicastri

    Hi Eric, thanks for your scripts.

    Sadly with the migration on the new form some characters got misencoded.

    Can you repost the script?



  • Eric Valk

    @Francesco  Yes, it will take me a few days. I'm in the midst of re-organising my home.

  • Francesco Nicastri



  • Janne Pirinen

    @ericnepean I would appreciate the correctly encoded script very much also. Thanks in advance!

  • AndyE


    Hope you had a good re-organising of your home in the meantime.


    I am another one who would very much appreciate of being able to run your script. 

    I understand that this C1 forum misinterprets scripting code as you state ...

    ***Edit***  2020/07/05  The migrated version of this script does not complile because the Applescript symbols for "not equal", "less than" and "greater than" are not supported in the new forum

    Would you mind to lift the clue on what hieroglyphs (I guess these are the â‰, ≤, ..) represent the "not equal", "less than" and "greater than" so I could compile your script properly. 

    Thanks a lot !

  • Francesco Nicastri


    Any news?

    Can I help you?

    Another, faster, way could be to publish it in a github gist...

  • Eric Valk

    Apologies for the delay.

    I agree that we would be better to post on Github, but just to get it done quickly, here is the same version that was garbled by the migration, except that I have changed the value of "maxCOPversion" to "13", so that it will run without complaint on Capture One 20.

    The Script below directly references Capture One 20. If you need it to run it on Capture One 12, you will need to change all the references to "Capture One 12". Script Editor does this for me automatically if I copy the code (as text) into a blank script and and compile it with Capture One 12 running.

    I have not had time for my usual careful testing, so please post any problems that you may find.

    Before I paused my work, I had been working on a much faster version that I posted on Walter Rowe's Github, if I recall correctly. It had some bugs but I think I fixed them.

    Github Link

    ## Applescript to search a Capture One Catalog for Images with offline files
    ## Version 12.00 !! NO GUARANTEE OF SUPPORT !! Best effort
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.

    -- ***To Setup
    -- Start Script Editor, open a new (blank) file, copy and paste both parts into one Script Editor Document, compile (hammer symbol) and save.
    -- Best if you make "Scripts" folder somewhere in your Documents or Desktop
    -- This file is suitable to use as an application in Capture One Pro's Script Menu

    -- *** Operation in Script Editor
    -- Open the compiled and saved document
    -- Open the Script Editor log window, and select the messages tab
    -- The user may elect to set defaults for enabling or disabling results in Notifications, TextEdit and Script Editor by setting the "enable" variables at beginning of the script
    -- The user may change the default amount of reporting by setting the "debugLogLevel" and "ResultsFileMaxDebug" variables at beginning of the script
    -- There is a GUI which allows the user to modify settings
    -- If you are having some issues, then set debugLogLevel to 3 and send me the results from Script Editors log window, or Text Edit.

    ## Values in this section are safe to change, within limits indicated. Support is likely but no commitment

    use AppleScript version "2.5"
    use scripting additions

    set debugLogLevel to 0 -- 0...6 Values >1 result in increasing amounts of debug data that takes longer to report
    set enableResultsFile to true -- (true/false)
    set enableResultsByDialog to false -- (true/false)
    set enableResultsByClipboard to false -- (true/false)
    set enableNotifications to true -- (true/false)
    set enableResultsInCollection to true -- (true/false)
    set ResultsFileMaxDebug to 2 -- 1...6 suggest not more than 2
    set SearchAllImages to false -- If set to true, then only "all Images" is searched, If false, the current user collection is searched
    set ExcludedSubCollectionNames to {} -- Collections in this list will not be searched
    set maxSearchlevel to 100 -- Reduce if you only want to search top level collections Range 1.... Verified to 100
    set enableFastGUI to true -- (true/false)

    ## ***** Not safe to change stuff below this line, unless you have some background in SW development.
    ## I generally won't help much if you change stuff below this line. I may explain the design intent.

    tell application "System Events" to set parent_name to name of current application

    set Script_Title to (get name of me)

    set SE_Parent to (parent_name = "Script Editor")
    set SE_Logging to SE_Parent as boolean
    set COPisParent to (get parent_name begins with "Capture One") -- version independent
    set Result_DocName to "COP_Image_Search.txt"
    set Result_AlbumRoot to "NotInUserCollection"
    set Result_ProjectName to "ScriptSearchResults"

    set ResultMethod to my InitializeLoqqing3(Result_DocName, Script_Title)
    loq_Results2(0, false, ("Started from: " & parent_name & " Action: Find images which refer to a missing file"))

    set minCOPversion to "12"
    set maxCOPversion to "13"
    validateCOP2(minCOPversion, maxCOPversion)
    tell application "Capture One 20"
    set countCollectionImages to count of images -- images in the current collection
    tell document COPDocName to tell collection "All Images" to set count_All_Images to get count of every image --variants in the All Images Collection
    end tell

    if not selectedCollectionIsUser then set SearchAllImages to true


    if enableResultsInCollection then
    set Result_AlbumRoot to "OfflineFile"
    set Result_ProjectName to "ScriptSearchResults"
    set Coll_Init_Text to "Images with offline files"
    InitializeResultsCollection(Result_ProjectName, Result_AlbumRoot, Coll_Init_Text)
    end if

    set Mark1 to GetTick_Now()

    tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process theAppName to true

    ## Start the search

    if SearchAllImages then
    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell COPDocRef
    set thisCollectionRef to get the collection "All Images"
    set thisColl_name to (get name of thisCollectionRef) as text
    set thisCollKind to my convertKindList((get kind of thisCollectionRef))
    end tell

    set countProcessedImages to count_All_Images
    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell COPDocRef
    set thisCollectionRef to current collection
    set thisColl_name to (get name of thisCollectionRef) as text
    set thisCollKind to my convertKindList((get kind of thisCollectionRef))
    end tell
    set countProcessedImages to countCollectionImages
    end if

    loq_Results2(3, false, ("In " & thisCollKind & " " & thisColl_name & " " & countProcessedImages & " Images"))

    set nextSearchLevel to 1
    set All_Found to true
    set countImageNotFound to 0
    set Coll_path to ">" & thisColl_name

    set Mark2 to GetTick_Now()

    if 0 < countProcessedImages then
    set progress description to "Searching " & thisCollKind & " " & thisColl_name
    if enableNotifications then display notification "Searching " & thisCollKind & " " & thisColl_name
    set All_Found to my search_collection(thisCollectionRef, nextSearchLevel, Coll_path)
    if All_Found then
    my loq_Results2(0, false, "No Images with offline files found")
    my loq_Results2(0, false, "Found " & countImageNotFound & " Images with offline or missing files")
    end if
    loq_Results2(0, true, ("There are no Images in " & thisCollKind & " " & thisColl_name & " - unable to proceed "))
    end if

    set Mark3 to GetTick_Now()

    tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process theAppName to true
    tell current application to set date_string to (current date) as text

    set elapsedTime1s to roundDecimals(Mark2 - Mark1, 3)
    set elapsedTime2s to roundDecimals(Mark3 - Mark2, 3)

    if countProcessedImages > 0 then
    set searchTimePerVariant to get ((Mark3 - Mark2) / countProcessedImages)
    set searchTimePerVariantDisplay to roundDecimals(searchTimePerVariant, 3)
    set searchTimePerVariantDisplay to "--"
    end if

    loq_Results2(1, false, (return & "SetupTime: " & elapsedTime1s & "sec Process time: " & elapsedTime2s & "sec per Image: " & searchTimePerVariantDisplay & "sec"))

    loq_Results2(0, true, (return & "*** Done on " & date_string & " *** " & countImageNotFound & " of " & countProcessedImages & " images have offline files" & return & return))

    finalCleanup() -- cleanup large arrays to avoid the situation where the script cannot be saved

    ## Arrange the windows to show results on top
    tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process theAppName to true

    if enableResultsFile then
    tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process "TextEdit" to true
    tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process parent_name to true
    end if

    ## Script Specific Handlers #######

    on search_collection(thisCollection, searchLevel, thisCollPath)
    -- recursive handler to search a collection and it's subcollections

    global debugLogLevel, enableResultsByDialog, maxSearchlevel, COPDocName, COPDocRef, countImageNotFound, enableResultsInCollection, ref2ResultAlbum
    set nextSearchLevel to searchLevel + 1

    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell thisCollection
    set thisCollKind to my convertKindList(kind)
    set everyImagePathList to get path of every image
    end tell

    loq_Results2(2, false, ("Searching " & thisCollKind & " " & thisCollPath & ":"))
    set loc_Text to "In " & thisCollKind & " " & thisCollPath & ":"
    set first_Hit to true
    set All_Found to true
    set everyImageCount to count of everyImagePathList

    repeat with ImageCounter from 1 to everyImageCount
    set imagepath to item ImageCounter of everyImagePathList
    tell application "System Events" to if not (get exists file imagepath) then
    if first_Hit then my loq_Results2(0, false, (return & loc_Text))
    set first_Hit to false
    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell COPDocRef to tell thisCollection to tell image ImageCounter
    set imageName to name
    if enableResultsInCollection then add inside ref2ResultAlbum variants (get variants)
    end tell
    my loq_Results2(0, false, ("File for " & imageName & " not found at " & imagepath))
    set countImageNotFound to countImageNotFound + 1
    set All_Found to false
    end if
    end repeat
    loq_Results2(2, false, ("Done " & thisCollKind & " " & thisCollPath & " "))

    if thisCollKind ≠ "project" then -- do not search collections contained inside a project to avoid repeated "hits" of the same image
    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell COPDocRef to set subCollections to (get every collection of thisCollection)
    set nextSearchLevel to searchLevel + 1
    if nextSearchLevel ≤ maxSearchlevel then
    repeat with searchCollection in subCollections
    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell COPDocRef to set nextCollName to (get name of searchCollection) as text
    set progress description to "Searching " & thisCollKind & " " & nextCollName
    if enableNotifications then display notification "Searching " & thisCollKind & " " & thisColl_name
    set nextCollPath to thisCollPath & ">" & nextCollName
    set All_Found_here to my search_collection(searchCollection, nextSearchLevel, nextCollPath)
    set All_Found to All_Found and All_Found_here
    end repeat
    end if
    end if

    return All_Found
    end search_collection

    on finalCleanup()
    ## clean up the large arrays to avoid a large stack that may prevent AppleScript from saving the script
    global everyImagePathList, everyImageNameList, everyTopCollection, namesTopCollections, namesTopCollections, kindsTopCollections_p, search_name_list
    ## Cleanup Memory to avoid Script Editor having a stack overflow error on saving; this data will be dirty on the next run anyway
    set everyImageNameList to {}
    set everyImagePathList to {}
    set everyTopCollection to {}
    set namesTopCollections to {}
    set kindsTopCollections_p to {}
    end finalCleanup

    on CO_settingHandler()
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## Initialisation Handler for scripts using Capture One Pro
    ## Collects and sets up information about the Script settings for the GUI handler

    global parent_name, Script_Title, enableFastGUI, debugLogLevel, ResultsFileMaxDebug, count_All_Images, countCollectionImages
    global theAppName, copVersion, COPDocName, COPDocKind_s, COPDocRef
    global namesTopCollections, bottomUserCollectionIndex, topUserCollectionIndex, selectedCollectionRef, nameSelectedCollection, selectedCollectionIsUser, kindSelectedCollection_s
    global SearchDiskFileSystem, SearchRecentImports, SearchRecentCaptures, SearchTrash, SearchAllImages, ExcludedSubCollectionNames, maxSearchlevel
    global SE_Logging, SE_Parent, enableResultsFile, enableResultsByDialog, enableResultsByClipboard, enableNotifications, ResultMethod, Result_DocName, enableResultsInCollection

    set basic_setting_list to {}
    set end of basic_setting_list to {SettingName:(get copVersion & " in " & COPDocKind_s & " \"" & COPDocName & "\" with " & count_All_Images & " Images")}
    set end of basic_setting_list to {SettingName:(get kindSelectedCollection_s & " \"" & nameSelectedCollection & "\" with " & countCollectionImages & " images")}
    set end of basic_setting_list to {SettingName:"Debug Level", SettingValue:debugLogLevel}
    set end of basic_setting_list to {SettingName:"Search All Images", SettingValue:SearchAllImages}
    set end of basic_setting_list to {SettingName:"Results by " & ResultMethod}
    if settingGUI_Bypass(basic_setting_list) then
    loq_Results2(0, false, joinListToString(basic_setting_list, return))
    end if

    set helpdisplaydialog to "display Dialog when a file is not found"
    set helpdebugLogLevel to "the amount of debug info reported"
    set helpmaxSearchlevel to "lowest subcollection level which is searched"
    set helpExcludedCollection to "collections with these names will not be searched"
    set helpResultsInCollection to "images not in any user colection will be added to the results album"
    set helpFastGUI to "enable faster GUI response, with less help text"

    set initialLogging to {(get enableResultsByDialog as boolean), (get enableResultsFile as boolean), (get enableResultsByClipboard as boolean), (get SE_Logging as boolean)}

    set setting_list to {}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:1, SettingName:"Parent Application", SettingValue:("\"" & parent_name & "\""), UserSet:false}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:2, SettingName:"Document", SettingValue:(COPDocKind_s & " \"" & COPDocName & "\" with " & count_All_Images & " Images"), UserSet:false}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:3, SettingName:"Collection", SettingHelp:"", SettingValue:(kindSelectedCollection_s & " " & nameSelectedCollection & " with " & countCollectionImages & " images"), UserSet:false}

    if not selectedCollectionIsUser then
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:8, SettingName:"Search All Images", SettingValue:SearchAllImages, UserSet:false, SettingClass:"Boolean"}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:8, SettingName:"Search All Images", SettingValue:(a reference to SearchAllImages), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Boolean"}
    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell selectedCollectionRef to set nameSubCollections to (get name of every collection)
    if 0 < length of nameSubCollections then
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:10, SettingName:"Excluded Collection Names", SettingHelp:"", SettingValue:(a reference to ExcludedSubCollectionNames), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"List_Text", SettingLimited:false}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:11, SettingName:"Excluded Collection Names (by list)", SettingHelp:"", SettingValue:(a reference to ExcludedSubCollectionNames), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"List_Text", SettingLimited:"List", SettingLimit_L:nameSubCollections}
    end if
    end if

    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:12, SettingName:"Debug Level", SettingHelp:helpdebugLogLevel, SettingValue:(a reference to debugLogLevel), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Integer", SettingLimited:"Min_Max", SettingLimit_L:{0, 6}}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:13, SettingName:"Highest Debug Level in Result File", SettingHelp:"", SettingValue:(a reference to ResultsFileMaxDebug), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Integer", SettingLimited:"Min_Max", SettingLimit_L:{1, 6}}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:14, SettingName:"Maximum Search Level", SettingHelp:helpmaxSearchlevel, SettingValue:(a reference to maxSearchlevel), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Integer", SettingLimited:"Min", SettingLimit_L:{1}}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:15, SettingName:"Enable Results in Collection", SettingHelp:helpResultsInCollection, SettingValue:(a reference to enableResultsInCollection), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Boolean"}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:16, SettingName:"Enable Results in Text Edit", SettingHelp:"", SettingValue:(a reference to enableResultsFile), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Boolean"}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:17, SettingName:"Enable Results in Dialog", SettingHelp:helpdisplaydialog, SettingValue:(a reference to enableResultsByDialog), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Boolean"}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:18, SettingName:"Enable Results in Clipboard", SettingHelp:"", SettingValue:(a reference to enableResultsByClipboard), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Boolean"}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:19, SettingName:"Enable Results in Notifications", SettingHelp:"", SettingValue:(a reference to enableNotifications), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Boolean"}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:20, SettingName:"Results Logged by Script Editor", SettingValue:(a reference to SE_Logging), UserSet:SE_Parent, SettingClass:"Boolean"}
    set end of setting_list to {SettingID:23, SettingName:"Enable Fast GUI Response", SettingHelp:helpFastGUI, SettingValue:(a reference to enableFastGUI), UserSet:true, SettingClass:"Boolean"}

    set settings_display_string to settingGUI(setting_list)

    if ((not (get enableResultsByClipboard as boolean)) and (not (get enableNotifications as boolean)) and (not (get enableResultsByDialog as boolean)) and (not (get enableResultsFile as boolean)) and (not (get SE_Logging as boolean))) then
    display alert "You have turned off all results notification!! " message "Turning results by Dialog Display on" as critical giving up after 30
    set enableResultsByDialog to true
    end if
    if (initialLogging ≠ {(get enableResultsByDialog as boolean), (get enableResultsFile as boolean), (get enableResultsByClipboard as boolean), (get SE_Logging as boolean)}) then
    set ResultMethod to my InitializeLoqqing3(Result_DocName, Script_Title)
    end if
    set settings_display_string to settings_display_string & "Result Logging Methods: " & ResultMethod & return

    loq_Results2(1, false, (return & "Settings:" & return & settings_display_string))

    end CO_settingHandler

    ## Capture One General Handlers Version 2019/12/28

    on validateCOP2(minCOPversionstr, maxCOPversionstr)
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## General purpose initialisation handler for scripts using Capture One Pro
    ## Extract and check basic information about the Capture One application

    global debugLogLevel, theAppName, copVersion, copDetailedVersion, enableNotifications
    tell application "System Events"
    set COPProcList to every process whose name begins with "Capture One" and background only is false
    if debugLogLevel ≥ 2 then
    set COPProcNameList to name of every process whose name begins with "Capture One" and background only is false
    my loq_Results2(2, false, ("Capture One Processes:" & COPProcNameList))
    end if
    end tell
    if (count of COPProcList) = 0 then my loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, "Capture One is not running")
    if (count of COPProcList) ≠ 1 then my loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, "Unexpected: >1 Capture One instances")
    set theAppRef to item 1 of COPProcList
    tell application "System Events" to set theAppName to ((get name of theAppRef) as text)
    tell application "System Events" to set copDetailedVersion to get version of my application theAppName

    tell application "Capture One 20" to set copVersion to (get app version)

    if debugLogLevel ≥ 2 then
    tell application "System Events"
    my loq_Results2(2, false, ("All Processes: " & (get my joinListToString((get name of every process whose background only is false), ", "))))
    end tell
    loq_Results2(2, false, ("theAppName: " & theAppName))
    loq_Results2(2, false, ("Capture One Version: " & copVersion))
    loq_Results2(2, false, ("Capture One Detailed Version: " & copDetailedVersion))
    end if

    set numCOPversion to (splitStringToList((word -1 of copVersion), "."))
    set minCOPversion to (splitStringToList(minCOPversionstr, "."))
    set maxCOPversion to (splitStringToList(maxCOPversionstr, "."))

    set digit_mult to 1000000
    set Version_digit to 0
    repeat with dig_ctr from 1 to count of numCOPversion
    set digit_mult to digit_mult / 100
    set Version_digit to Version_digit + (get item dig_ctr of numCOPversion as integer) * digit_mult
    end repeat

    set digit_mult to 1000000
    set min_digit to 0
    repeat with dig_ctr from 1 to count of minCOPversion
    set digit_mult to digit_mult / 100
    set min_digit to min_digit + (get item dig_ctr of minCOPversion as integer) * digit_mult
    end repeat

    set digit_mult to 1000000
    set max_digit to 0
    set digit_count to count of maxCOPversion
    repeat with dig_ctr from 1 to digit_count
    set digit_mult to digit_mult / 100
    set max_digit to max_digit + (get item dig_ctr of maxCOPversion as integer) * digit_mult
    if (dig_ctr = digit_count) then set max_digit to max_digit + digit_mult
    end repeat

    if (Version_digit < min_digit) then
    if enableNotifications then display notification "This Capture One Version is unsupported"
    my loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, "This Capture One Version is " & copDetailedVersion & " - the minimum supported Capture One version is " & minCOPversionstr)
    end if

    if (Version_digit ≥ max_digit) then
    if enableNotifications then display notification "This Capture One Version is untested"
    loq_Results2(0, true, "This Capture One Version is " & copDetailedVersion & " - versions above " & maxCOPversionstr & " are not verified yet, but are likely OK")
    end if

    tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process theAppName to true
    loq_Results2(1, false, ("Capture One version: " & copDetailedVersion))
    end validateCOP2

    on validateCOPdoc3(COP_kind_list)
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## General purpose initialisation handler for scripts using Capture One Pro
    ## Extract and check basic information about the current document

    global debugLogLevel, COPDocName, COPDocKind_s, COPDocRef, theAppName

    tell application "Capture One 20" to set COPDocName to get name of current document
    on error
    loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, "The Script could not retrieve the Capture One document - Perhaps a Capture One Dialog window is open?")
    end try

    tell application "Capture One 20"
    set current_doc_kind_p to (get kind of current document)
    set current_doc_ref_list to (get every document whose name is COPDocName and kind is current_doc_kind_p)
    set number_of_hits to count of current_doc_ref_list
    end tell
    set COPDocKind_s to convertKindList(current_doc_kind_p)

    loq_Results2(2, false, ("Found Documents: " & number_of_hits))

    if COP_kind_list does not contain COPDocKind_s then loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, (COPDocName & " is a " & COPDocKind_s & " -- this script does not support " & COPDocKind_s & "s"))

    if number_of_hits = 0 then
    loqqed_Error_Halt3(false, "Could not find find " & COPDocKind_s & COPDocName)
    error "Could not find find " & COPDocKind_s & COPDocName
    else if number_of_hits > 1 then
    loqqed_Error_Halt3(false, "Found more than one " & COPDocKind_s & " with the name " & COPDocName)
    error "Found more than one " & COPDocKind_s & " with the name " & COPDocName
    tell application "Capture One 20" to set COPDocRef to item 1 of current_doc_ref_list
    end if

    loq_Results2(1, false, ("CO Document: " & COPDocKind_s & " " & COPDocName))
    end validateCOPdoc3

    on validateCOPcollections3()
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## General purpose initialisation handler for scripts using Capture One Pro
    ## Extract basic information regarding the current collection, and thhe top level collections
    global debugLogLevel, COPDocName, COPDocKind_s, COPDocRef, enableNotifications
    global everyTopCollection, namesTopCollections, kindsTopCollections_s, countTopCollections, selectedCollectionRef, selectedCollectionIndex, kindSelectedCollection_s, nameSelectedCollection
    global selectedCollectionMirroredAtTopLast, selectedCollectionIsUser, bottomUserCollectionIndex, topUserCollectionIndex
    -- selectedCollectionMirroredAtTopLast replaces selectedCollectionAtTopEnd
    -- bottomUserCollectionIndex, topUserCollectionIndex replaces indexInCatalog

    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell COPDocRef
    set selectedCollectionRef to get current collection
    if (missing value = selectedCollectionRef) then
    set current collection to collection 1
    set selectedCollectionRef to get current collection
    end if
    set {nameSelectedCollection, selectedCollectionIsUser} to {name, user} of selectedCollectionRef
    set kindSelectedCollection_s to my convertKindList(kind of selectedCollectionRef)
    set {everyTopCollection, namesTopCollections, userTopCollections} to {it, name, user} of every collection
    set kindsTopCollections_s to my convertKindList(kind of every collection)
    end tell
    set countTopCollections to count of namesTopCollections

    repeat with collectionCounter from 1 to countTopCollections
    if (nameSelectedCollection = item collectionCounter of namesTopCollections) and ¬
    (kindSelectedCollection_s = item collectionCounter of kindsTopCollections_s) then
    set selectedCollectionIndex to collectionCounter
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat

    if COPDocKind_s = "catalog" then
    repeat with collectionCounter from (countTopCollections - 1) to 1 by -1
    if (true = item collectionCounter of userTopCollections) then
    set topUserCollectionIndex to collectionCounter + 0
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    repeat with collectionCounter from 1 to countTopCollections
    if (true = item collectionCounter of userTopCollections) then
    set bottomUserCollectionIndex to collectionCounter + 0
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    set selectedCollectionMirroredAtTopLast to ¬
    (selectedCollectionIndex = countTopCollections) and selectedCollectionIsUser and ¬
    ({"catalog folder", "favorite"} does not contain last item of kindsTopCollections_s)

    else if COPDocKind_s = "session" then
    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell COPDocRef
    set foldersTopCollection to folder of every collection
    set folderSelectedCollection to folder of selectedCollectionRef
    end tell

    repeat with collectionCounter from countTopCollections to 1 by -1
    if (true = item collectionCounter of userTopCollections) and (missing value = item collectionCounter of foldersTopCollection) then
    set topUserCollectionIndex to collectionCounter + 0
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    repeat with collectionCounter from 1 to countTopCollections
    if (true = item collectionCounter of userTopCollections) and (missing value = item collectionCounter of foldersTopCollection) then
    set bottomUserCollectionIndex to collectionCounter + 0
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat
    set selectedCollectionMirroredAtTopLast to false
    set selectedCollectionIsUser to selectedCollectionIsUser and (missing value = folderSelectedCollection)
    end if
    end validateCOPcollections3

    on convertKindList(kind_list)
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## General Purpose Handler for scripts using Capture One Pro
    ## Many releases of Capture One return the chevron form of the property "kind" when AppleScript is run as an Application
    ## This script converts a list of kind enums to text, handling the chevron form correctly
    ## Assume that the list either contains the plain text enums or the chevron form enums, but not both
    ## Assume that the list contains the kind enums from the same class

    if "list" = (get (class of kind_list) as text) then
    set input_is_list to true
    set kind_list to {kind_list}
    set input_is_list to false
    end if
    set kind_s1 to (item 1 of kind_list) as text

    set kind_s_list to {}
    set fail_flag to false

    if "«" ≠ (get text 1 of kind_s1) then
    repeat with Kind_item in kind_list
    set the end of kind_s_list to (get Kind_item as text)
    end repeat
    ## minimum 6 characters for valid logic. Normally 19
    if 6 > length of kind_s1 then loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, "convertKind received an unexpected Kind string: " & kind_s1)
    set code_start to (get length of kind_s1) - 4
    set kind_type to get (text code_start thru (code_start + 1) of kind_s1)

    repeat with Kind_item in kind_list
    set kind_s to Kind_item as text
    set kind_code to get (text code_start thru (code_start + 3) of kind_s)

    if kind_type = "CC" then ## Collection Kinds
    if kind_code = "CCpj" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "project"
    else if kind_code = "CCgp" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "group"
    else if kind_code = "CCal" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "album"
    else if kind_code = "CCsm" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "smart album"
    else if kind_code = "CCfv" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "favorite"
    else if kind_code = "CCff" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "catalog folder"
    set fail_flag to true
    end if

    else if kind_type = "CL" then ## Layer Kinds
    if kind_code = "CLbg" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "background"
    else if kind_code = "CLnm" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "adjustment"
    else if kind_code = "CLcl" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "clone"
    else if kind_code = "CLhl" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "heal"
    set fail_flag to true
    end if

    else if kind_type = "CR" then ## Watermark Kinds
    if kind_code = "CRWn" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "none"
    else if kind_code = "CRWt" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "textual"
    else if kind_code = "CRWi" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "imagery"
    set fail_flag to true
    end if

    else if kind_type = "CO" then ## Document Kinds
    if kind_code = "COct" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "catalog"
    else if kind_code = "COsd" then
    set the end of kind_s_list to "session"
    set fail_flag to true
    end if
    set fail_flag to true
    end if

    if fail_flag then loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, "convertKindList received an unexpected Kind string: " & kind_s)
    end repeat

    end if

    if input_is_list then
    return kind_s_list
    return item 1 of kind_s_list
    end if

    end convertKindList

    on InitializeResultsCollection(nameResultProject, nameResultAlbumRoot, Coll_Init_Text)
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## General Purpose Handler for scripts using Capture One Pro
    ## Sets up a project and albums for collecting images

    global debugLogLevel, COPDocRef, ref2ResultAlbum, enableNotifications

    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell COPDocRef
    if not (exists collection named (get nameResultProject)) then
    set ref2ResultProject to make new collection with properties {kind:project, name:nameResultProject}
    if ("project" = my convertKindList(kind of (get collection named nameResultProject))) then
    set ref2ResultProject to collection named nameResultProject
    my loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, ("A collection named \"" & nameResultProject & "\" already exists, and it is not a project."))
    end if
    end if
    end tell

    set coll_ctr to 1
    set nameResultAlbum to nameResultAlbumRoot & "_" & (get short date string of (get current date)) & "_"
    tell application "Capture One 20" to tell ref2ResultProject
    if not (exists collection named (get nameResultAlbum & coll_ctr)) then
    set nameResultAlbum to (get nameResultAlbum & coll_ctr)
    set ref2ResultAlbum to make new collection with properties {kind:album, name:nameResultAlbum}
    exit repeat
    set coll_ctr to coll_ctr + 1
    end if
    end tell
    end repeat

    if enableNotifications then display notification (Coll_Init_Text & " " & nameResultProject & ">" & nameResultAlbum)
    loq_Results2(1, false, (Coll_Init_Text & " " & nameResultProject & ">" & nameResultAlbum))

    end InitializeResultsCollection

    ## General Handlers Version 2019/12/28

    on settingGUI_Bypass(theSettingList)
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## General Purpose handler that provides a bypass to settingGUI()

    ## The Setting record
    ## SettingName Name of the Setting (text)
    ## SettingValue Value of the Setting (text)

    global debugLogLevel, parent_name, Script_Title
    tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process parent_name to true

    set settings_display_string to ""
    repeat with theSetting_r in theSettingList
    set settings_display_string to settings_display_string & theSetting_r's SettingName
    set theValueString to joinListToString(theSetting_r's SettingValue, ", ")
    if 0 < length of theValueString then set settings_display_string to settings_display_string & ": " & theValueString
    end try
    set settings_display_string to settings_display_string & return
    end repeat

    set debugButtonName to "Configure"
    set legendString to return & "Click \"" & debugButtonName & "\" to configure settings; \"OK\" to continue"
    set dialog_result to display dialog settings_display_string & legendString with title "Settings for " & Script_Title ¬
    buttons {"Cancel", "OK", debugButtonName} default button "OK" cancel button "Cancel"
    on error errmess
    my loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, "User Cancelled the Script")
    end try

    return ("OK" = (get button returned of dialog_result))

    end settingGUI_Bypass

    on settingGUI(theSettingList)
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## General Purpose handler that provides a user interface to control AppleScript settings

    ## The Setting record
    ## SettingID ID of the setting (integer)
    ## SettingName Name of the Setting (text)
    ## SettingHelp Help Text for the Setting
    ## SettingValue Value or Reference to the Global Variable which holds the option value (reference)
    ## UserSet True if the user can set this variable (boolean)
    ## SettingClass Class of the data representing the option {Boolean, Text, List_Text, Integer, Real} (text)
    ## SettingLimited How are the option values constrained {false, "List&Free", "List", "Min_Max", "Min", "Max"}
    ## SettingLimit_L The list of permissible values of the option (List of Text, List of Integer, List of Real, List of [Min],[Max])


    global debugLogLevel, parent_name, Script_Title, enableFastGUI

    copy {} to settings_ID_List
    repeat with theSetting_r in theSettingList -- Duplicate setting IDs cause subtle and bizarre errors - catch this problem
    set theSettingID to (get (theSetting_r's SettingID) as text)
    if settings_ID_List contains theSettingID then error "Duplicate Setting ID!! " & theSettingID
    set the end of settings_ID_List to theSettingID
    end repeat

    tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process parent_name to true

    set settings_display_string to ""
    repeat with theSetting_r in theSettingList
    set settings_display_string to settings_display_string & (theSetting_r's SettingName) & ": " & joinListToString((get contents of theSetting_r's SettingValue), ";")
    if theSetting_r's UserSet then set settings_display_string to settings_display_string & " *"
    set settings_display_string to settings_display_string & return
    end repeat

    set legendString to return & "Click \"Edit\" to edit items with an *asterisk*" & return & "Click \"OK\" to continue without editing settings"

    set dialog_result to display dialog settings_display_string & legendString with title "Settings for " & Script_Title ¬
    buttons {"Cancel", "OK", "Edit"} default button "OK" cancel button "Cancel"
    on error errmess
    my loqqed_Error_Halt3(true, "User Cancelled the Script")
    end try

    if "OK" = (get button returned of dialog_result) then exit repeat -- Exit 3 of 3 from the handler

    set userCancelled to false
    repeat while userCancelled is false

    copy {} to settings_choose_List
    repeat with theSetting_r in theSettingList
    ##!!!## Do NOT screw with this line, or the list of text editing starts losing information ##!!!##
    if theSetting_r's UserSet then ¬
    copy (get ((theSetting_r's SettingID as text) & ": " & (theSetting_r's SettingName as text) & ": " & joinListToString((contents of theSetting_r's SettingValue), "; "))) to ¬
    the end of settings_choose_List
    end repeat

    set ChooseResult to (get choose from list settings_choose_List with title "Settings for " & Script_Title with prompt "Select an Item to Edit" cancel button name "Done" OK button name "Edit")

    if ChooseResult = false then exit repeat --main exit from this repeat loop

    set selectedSetting to item 1 of ChooseResult
    set selectedSettingID to get ((item 1 of (splitStringToList(selectedSetting, ":"))) as integer)

    set settingFound to false
    repeat with selectedSetting_r in theSettingList
    if selectedSettingID = (get selectedSetting_r's SettingID) then
    set settingFound to true
    exit repeat
    end if
    end repeat

    if not settingFound then
    loqqed_Error_Halt3(false, "Unexpected value found while finding setting: " & selectedSettingID)
    error "SW Error 1"
    end if

    set selectedSettingName to selectedSetting_r's SettingName as text
    set setting_Class to selectedSetting_r's SettingClass as text

    set hasFreeInput to true
    set hasSettingLimitType to false
    set hasSettingMin to false
    set hasSettingMax to false
    set hasSettingLimitList to false
    set theSettingMin to missing value
    set theSettingMax to missing value
    set theSettingLimitList to missing value

    set SettingLimitType to get selectedSetting_r's SettingLimited as text -- this works even if the class is boolean
    set hasSettingLimitType to true
    if false = (get SettingLimitType as boolean) then set hasSettingLimitType to false
    end try

    if hasSettingLimitType then

    if ("Min_Max" = SettingLimitType) then
    set hasFreeInput to true
    set hasSettingMin to true
    set hasSettingMax to true
    set theSettingMin to get item 1 of (get selectedSetting_r's SettingLimit_L as list)
    set theSettingMax to get item 2 of (get selectedSetting_r's SettingLimit_L as list)

    else if ("Min" = SettingLimitType) then
    set hasFreeInput to true
    set hasSettingMin to true
    set theSettingMin to get item 1 of (get selectedSetting_r's SettingLimit_L as list)

    else if ("Max" = SettingLimitType) then
    set hasFreeInput to true
    set hasSettingMax to true
    set theSettingMax to get item 1 of (get selectedSetting_r's SettingLimit_L as list)

    else if ("List" = SettingLimitType) then
    set hasFreeInput to false
    set hasSettingLimitList to true
    set theSettingLimitList to (get selectedSetting_r's SettingLimit_L) as list

    else if ("List&Free" = SettingLimitType) then
    set hasFreeInput to (not enableFastGUI)
    set hasSettingLimitList to true
    set theSettingLimitList to (get selectedSetting_r's SettingLimit_L) as list

    loqqed_Error_Halt3(false, "Unexpected value found while evaluating Setting Limit. Type: " & SettingLimitType & " Length: " & (length of selectedSetting_r's SettingLimit_L))
    error "SW Error 4"
    end if
    end if

    set settingAddTitle to "Enter New Value"
    set settingChooseTitle to "Select New Item"
    set settingDeleteTitle to "Select Item to be removed"
    set settingEditPrompt to "for setting #" & selectedSettingID & ": " & selectedSettingName
    set settingDeletePrompt to "from setting #" & selectedSettingID & ": " & selectedSettingName
    if (not enableFastGUI) and (0 < (count of selectedSetting_r's SettingHelp)) then set settingEditPrompt to ¬
    settingEditPrompt & return & " (" & (get (selectedSetting_r's SettingHelp) as text) & ")"

    set userCancelled to false
    set hasNewSettingValue to false

    if setting_Class = "Boolean" then

    set selectedSettingValue to (selectedSetting_r's SettingValue) as boolean

    if enableFastGUI then
    set the contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to not selectedSettingValue
    set ChooseResult to (get choose from list {"True", "False"} with prompt settingEditPrompt with title settingChooseTitle OK button name "Select" default items {(get selectedSettingValue as text)})
    if ChooseResult = false then
    set userCancelled to true
    set newSettingValue to item 1 of ChooseResult

    if "True" = (get newSettingValue) then
    set the contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to true
    set hasNewSettingValue to true
    else if "False" = (get newSettingValue) then
    set the contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to false
    set hasNewSettingValue to true
    loqqed_Error_Halt3(false, "Unexpected value found while editing Boolean: " & newSettingValue)
    error "SW Error 2"
    end if
    end if
    end if

    else if setting_Class = "Integer" then

    set selectedSettingValue to (get selectedSetting_r's SettingValue) as integer

    if hasSettingLimitList then
    set ChooseResult to (get choose from list theSettingLimitList with prompt settingEditPrompt with title settingChooseTitle OK button name "Select" default items selectedSettingValue)
    if ChooseResult = false then
    set userCancelled to true
    if (0 ≤ (count of ChooseResult)) then set contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to (get item 1 of ChooseResult) as integer
    set hasNewSettingValue to true
    set selectedSettingValue to (get item 1 of ChooseResult) as integer
    end if
    end if

    if hasFreeInput then
    set settingEditPrompt to settingEditPrompt & return
    if hasSettingMin then set settingEditPrompt to settingEditPrompt & "Minimum: " & (get theSettingMin as integer)
    if hasSettingMax then
    if hasSettingMin then set settingEditPrompt to settingEditPrompt & " "
    set settingEditPrompt to settingEditPrompt & "Maximum: " & (get theSettingMax as integer)
    end if

    repeat while not hasNewSettingValue
    set dialog_result to display dialog settingEditPrompt with title settingAddTitle default answer selectedSettingValue
    on error
    set userCancelled to true
    exit repeat
    end try
    if 0 < (length of text returned of dialog_result) then
    set newSettingValue to get (text returned of dialog_result) as integer
    copy (get selectedSettingValue as integer) to newSettingValue
    end if
    set hasNewSettingValue to true
    on error
    display dialog (settingEditPrompt & return & "Unable to convert " & (get text returned of dialog_result) & " to an integer") with title "Press OK to try again" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    end try

    if hasNewSettingValue then
    if (hasSettingMin and (newSettingValue < theSettingMin)) or (hasSettingMax and (newSettingValue > theSettingMax)) then
    set hasNewSettingValue to false
    display dialog (settingEditPrompt & return & "The value " & newSettingValue & " is below the Min or above the Max") with title "Press OK to try again" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    set contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to newSettingValue
    end if
    end if
    end repeat
    end if

    else if setting_Class = "Real" then

    set selectedSettingValue to (get selectedSetting_r's SettingValue) as real

    if hasSettingLimitList then
    set ChooseResult to (get choose from list theSettingLimitList with prompt settingEditPrompt with title settingChooseTitle OK button name "Select" default items selectedSettingValue)
    if ChooseResult = false then
    set userCancelled to true
    if (0 ≤ (count of ChooseResult)) then set contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to (get item 1 of ChooseResult) as real
    set hasNewSettingValue to true
    set selectedSettingValue to (get item 1 of ChooseResult) as real
    end if
    end if

    if hasFreeInput then
    set settingEditPrompt to settingEditPrompt & return
    if hasSettingMin then set settingEditPrompt to settingEditPrompt & "Minimum: " & (get theSettingMin as real)
    if hasSettingMax then
    if hasSettingMin then set settingEditPrompt to settingEditPrompt & " "
    set settingEditPrompt to settingEditPrompt & "Maximum: " & (get theSettingMax as real)
    end if

    repeat while not hasNewSettingValue
    set dialog_result to display dialog settingEditPrompt with title settingAddTitle default answer selectedSettingValue
    on error
    set userCancelled to true
    exit repeat
    end try
    if 0 < (length of text returned of dialog_result) then
    set newSettingValue to get (text returned of dialog_result) as real
    copy (get selectedSettingValue as real) to newSettingValue
    end if
    set hasNewSettingValue to true
    on error
    display dialog (settingEditPrompt & return & "Unable to convert " & (get text returned of dialog_result) & " to an real") with title "Press OK to try again" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    end try

    if hasNewSettingValue then
    if (hasSettingMin and (newSettingValue < theSettingMin)) or (hasSettingMax and (newSettingValue > theSettingMax)) then
    set hasNewSettingValue to false
    display dialog (settingEditPrompt & return & "The value " & newSettingValue & " is below the Min or above the Max") with title "Press OK to try again" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"
    set contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to newSettingValue
    end if
    end if
    end repeat
    end if

    else if setting_Class = "Text" then

    set selectedSettingValue to (get selectedSetting_r's SettingValue) as text

    if hasSettingLimitList then
    set ChooseResult to (get choose from list theSettingLimitList ¬
    with prompt settingEditPrompt with title settingChooseTitle OK button name "Select" default items selectedSettingValue with empty selection allowed)
    if ChooseResult = false then
    set userCancelled to true
    if (0 < (count of ChooseResult)) then
    set contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to (get item 1 of ChooseResult)
    set hasNewSettingValue to true
    set selectedSettingValue to (get item 1 of ChooseResult) as text
    if not hasFreeInput then set userCancelled to true
    end if
    end if
    end if

    if hasFreeInput then
    set dialog_result to display dialog settingEditPrompt with title settingAddTitle default answer selectedSettingValue
    set contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to get (text returned of dialog_result)
    set hasNewSettingValue to true
    on error
    set userCancelled to true
    end try
    end if

    else if setting_Class = "List_Text" then

    copy ((get contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue) as list) to selectedSettingValueList

    if (count of selectedSettingValueList) = 0 then
    set deleteList to {}
    set deleteList to (get choose from list selectedSettingValueList ¬
    with prompt (settingDeletePrompt & return & "(empty selection ok)") ¬
    with title settingDeleteTitle OK button name "Remove" cancel button name "Skip" with multiple selections allowed and empty selection allowed)
    if (deleteList = false) then
    set deleteList to {}
    if (count of deleteList) > 0 then set hasNewSettingValue to true
    end if
    end if

    set newSettingValueList to {}
    repeat with theValueString in selectedSettingValueList
    if deleteList does not contain theValueString then copy (get theValueString as text) to the end of newSettingValueList
    end repeat

    set addedSettingValueList to {}
    if hasSettingLimitList then
    set ChooseResult to (get choose from list theSettingLimitList with prompt settingEditPrompt ¬
    with title settingChooseTitle OK button name "Add" with empty selection allowed and multiple selections allowed)
    if ChooseResult = false then
    set userCancelled to true
    set addedSettingValueList to (get ChooseResult as list)
    end if
    end if

    if hasFreeInput then
    set dialog_result to display dialog settingEditPrompt with title settingAddTitle default answer ""
    set addedSettingValueList to addedSettingValueList & splitStringToList((get text returned of dialog_result), ";")
    on error
    set userCancelled to true
    end try
    end if

    if userCancelled then
    set hasNewSettingValue to false
    repeat with theValueString in addedSettingValueList
    set theValueString to removeLeadingTrailingSpaces(theValueString)
    ## Don't add zero length strings and strings already in the list
    if (0 < (count of theValueString)) and ¬
    newSettingValueList does not contain theValueString then
    copy (get theValueString as text) to the end of newSettingValueList
    set hasNewSettingValue to true
    end if
    end repeat

    if hasNewSettingValue and (newSettingValueList ≠ selectedSettingValueList) then
    set the contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue to {}
    copy (get newSettingValueList as list) to contents of selectedSetting_r's SettingValue
    end if
    end if

    loqqed_Error_Halt3(false, "Unexpected class found while editing Boolean: " & setting_Class)
    error "SW Error 3"
    end if

    end repeat
    if enableFastGUI then exit repeat
    end repeat

    set settings_display_string to ""
    repeat with theSetting_r in theSettingList
    set settings_display_string to settings_display_string & (get SettingName of theSetting_r) & ": " & (get contents of (SettingValue of theSetting_r)) & return
    end repeat

    return settings_display_string ## Exit point
    end settingGUI

    on InitializeLoqqing3(DocName_Ext, sourceTitle)
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## General purpose handler to set up Text Editor document for logging results

    global debugLogLevel, Script_Title, Result_Doc_ref, SE_Logging, enableResultsFile, enableResultsByDialog, enableResultsByClipboard, DialogTextList, enableNotifications
    global initEnableResultsByDialog, initEnableResultsByClipboard

    tell current application to set date_string to (current date) as text
    set LogMethods to {}
    set LogHeader to (sourceTitle & " results on " & date_string)

    if enableResultsFile then
    set end of LogMethods to DocName_Ext
    set targetFileWasCreated to false
    set ResultDocIsOpen to false

    ## Check if TextEdit is already open and has the document open
    tell application "System Events" to set TextEditlist to get background only of every application process whose name is "TextEdit"
    if (0 < (count of TextEditlist)) and not item 1 of TextEditlist then
    if (DocName_Ext is in (get name of documents of application "TextEdit")) then
    tell application "TextEdit" to set Result_Doc_ref to document DocName_Ext
    set ResultDocIsOpen to true
    end if
    end if

    if not ResultDocIsOpen then
    -- create the document and the folder if necessary
    -- Do not use finder to test for the file existence because it has a bug that ignores leading 0's

    set target_folder_parent_a to alias (get path to desktop folder as text)
    set target_folder_parent_p to get POSIX path of target_folder_parent_a
    set target_folder_name to "ScriptReports"
    set target_folder_p to (target_folder_parent_p & target_folder_name)
    set Result_Doc_Path_p to target_folder_p & "/" & DocName_Ext

    set Result_Doc_Path_a to (get alias POSIX file Result_Doc_Path_p)
    on error
    set target_folder_a to (get alias POSIX file target_folder_p) --x1
    on error
    tell application "Finder" to set newFolder to make new folder at target_folder_parent_a with properties {name:target_folder_name}
    set target_folder_a to newFolder as alias
    end try
    tell application "Finder" to set newFile to make new file at target_folder_a with properties {name:DocName_Ext}
    set Result_Doc_Path_a to newFile as alias
    set targetFileWasCreated to true
    end try

    set First_line to ("Created by " & Script_Title & " on " & date_string)
    tell application "TextEdit" -- open the document and add the first line if empty
    set Result_Doc_ref to open Result_Doc_Path_a
    set ResultDocIsOpen to true -- For consistency
    tell text of Result_Doc_ref
    if targetFileWasCreated then
    set paragraph 1 to First_line & return & return
    tell me to if 2 ≤ debugLogLevel then log Result_Doc_Path_p & ": " & First_line
    if (0 = (count of paragraphs)) then set paragraph 1 to First_line & return & return
    on error
    set paragraph 1 to First_line & return & return
    end try
    end if
    end tell
    end tell
    end if

    tell application "TextEdit" to tell text of Result_Doc_ref to ¬
    set paragraph (1 + (count paragraphs)) to return & LogHeader & return

    end if

    if enableResultsByDialog then
    set end of LogMethods to "Display Dialog"
    set DialogTextList to DialogTextList & ""
    set initEnableResultsByDialog to false
    on error
    set DialogTextList to {LogHeader}
    set initEnableResultsByDialog to true
    end try
    end if

    if enableResultsByClipboard then
    set end of LogMethods to "Clipboard"
    set initEnableResultsByClipboard to false
    on error
    set the clipboard to LogHeader
    set initEnableResultsByClipboard to true
    end try
    end if

    if SE_Logging then -- if Script Editor logging, then open the Log History window
    tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Script Editor"
    if (get name of windows) does not contain "log History" then
    click menu item "Log History" of menu "Window" of menu bar 1
    end if
    end tell
    end try
    set end of LogMethods to " Script Editor Log"
    end if

    set LogMethods_S to joinListToString(LogMethods, ", ")
    loq_Results2(2, false, ("Results by " & LogMethods_S))

    return LogMethods_S
    end InitializeLoqqing3

    on loq_Results2(thisLogDebugLevel, MakeFront, log_Text)
    ## Copyright 2019 Eric Valk, Ottawa, Canada Creative Commons License CC BY-SA No Warranty.
    ## General purpose handler for logging results
    ## log results if the debug level of the message is below the the threshold set by debugLogLevel
    ## log the results by whatever mechanism is ebabled - {Script Editor Log, Text Editor Log, Display Dialog}

    global Result_Doc_ref, debugLogLevel, SE_Logging, parent_name, ResultsFileMaxDebug, enableResultsFile, enableResultsByDialog, enableResultsByClipboard, DialogTextList
    if thisLogDebugLevel > debugLogLevel then return

    set log_Text_S to joinListToString(log_Text, ", ")

    if enableResultsFile and ((thisLogDebugLevel ≤ ResultsFileMaxDebug) or not SE_Logging) then
    tell application "TextEdit" to tell text of Result_Doc_ref to ¬
    set paragraph (1 + (count paragraphs)) to ((log_Text_S as text) & return)
    tell application "System Events" to if MakeFront then set frontmost of process "TextEdit" to true
    end if

    if enableResultsByDialog and (1 ≥ thisLogDebugLevel) then
    set DialogTextList to DialogTextList & log_Text_S
    tell application "System Events" to set frontmost of process parent_name to true
    display dialog joinListToString(DialogTextList, return)
    end if

    if enableResultsByClipboard and (1 ≥ thisLogDebugLevel) then set the clipboard to ((get the clipboard) & return & (log_Text_S as text))
    if SE_Logging then log (log_Text_S as text)

    end loq_Results2

    on loqqed_Error_Halt3(createErrorHere, error_text)
    ## General purpose handler for logging during script termination
    ## found an error somewhere, so now we exit in a controlled fashion
    ## set createError to "false" to create a local error instead of here
    global debugLogLevel, Script_Title, enableNotifications
    tell current application to set date_string to (current date) as text
    if enableNotifications then display notification error_text
    if createErrorHere then
    loq_Results2(0, true, ("Script \"" & Script_Title & "\" has halted at " & date_string & return & "Reason: " & error_text & return & return))
    error error_text
    loq_Results2(0, true, ("Script \"" & Script_Title & "\" is exitting at " & date_string & "Reason: " & error_text & return))
    end if
    end loqqed_Error_Halt3

    on splitStringToList(theString, theDelim)
    ## Public Domain
    set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelim
    set theList to text items of theString
    on error
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
    return theList
    end splitStringToList

    to joinListToString(theList, theDelim)
    ## Public Domain
    set theString to ""
    set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelim
    set theString to theList as string
    on error
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
    end try
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
    return theString
    end joinListToString

    on removeLeadingTrailingSpaces(theString)
    ## Public Domain, modified
    repeat while theString begins with space
    -- When the string is only 1 character long, then it is exactly 1 space, and the next operation willl crash. So return ""
    if 1 ≥ (count of theString) then return ""
    set theString to text 2 thru -1 of theString
    end repeat
    repeat while theString ends with space
    set theString to text 1 thru -2 of theString
    end repeat
    return theString
    end removeLeadingTrailingSpaces

    on getIndexOf(theItem, theList)
    ## credits Emmanuel Levy
    set astid to AppleScript's text item delimiters
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to return
    set theList to return & theList & return
    set AppleScript's text item delimiters to astid
    -1 + (count (paragraphs of (text 1 thru (offset of (return & theItem & return) in theList) of theList)))
    on error
    end try
    end getIndexOf

    on roundToQuantum(thisValue, quantum)
    ## Public domain author unknown
    return (round (thisValue / quantum) rounding to nearest) * quantum
    end roundToQuantum

    on roundDecimals(n, numDecimals)
    ## Nigel Garvey, Macscripter
    set x to 10 ^ numDecimals
    tell n * x to return (it div 0.5 - it div 1) / x
    end roundDecimals

    on MSduration(firstTicks, lastTicks)
    ## Public domain
    ## returns duration in ms
    ## inputs are durations, in seconds, from GetTick's Now()
    return (round (10000 * (lastTicks - firstTicks)) rounding to nearest) / 10
    end MSduration

    on GetTick_Now()
    ## From MacScripter Author "Jean.O.matiC"
    ## returns duration in seconds since since 00:00 January 2nd, 2000 GMT, calculated using computer ticks
    script GetTick
    property parent : a reference to current application
    use framework "Foundation" --> for more precise timing calculations
    on Now()
    return (current application's NSDate's timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate) as real
    end Now
    end script

    return GetTick's Now()
    end GetTick_Now


  • Francesco Nicastri



    Thank you!!

  • AndyE


    Thank you Eric ! The script you shared in here works a charm! 

  • Janne Pirinen

    Thank you big time - this saved hours and hours work!

    Phase One, please, do recognize Eric's effort in a way or in another and please, do code the functionality/feature to the application itself.


  • Eric Valk

    You are all quite welcome.

    If Phase One were to embed this function in their code, then the algorithm would likely just be a simple data base query, but the dilemma would be how to provide output report within the framework of yhe Capture One application - it doen't generate reports.

    On the other hand this script(or a derivative of it) could be bundled with the other Applescripts provided with Capture One.If Capture One or PHase One were to do that, they may freely use this script or any part of it. In that case, to reduce complexity and simplify support, I reccomend that the deletion of the handlers settingGUI_Bypass() and settingGUI(), and the line that calls settingGUI(). The handlers InitializeLoqqing3() and  loq_Results2() could be replaced with a simpler versions that just generate a flat file.

    Eric Valk


  • Phrank

    great, thanks a lot.


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