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Getting a Stitching error with Applescript



  • Jim_DK
    There is no function or ability to stitch natively in CO, and certainly nothing in the script below that would suggest its to do with the script. Only thing I can think is your error is coming from the recipe being used to process - perhaps the "open with" application?

    Aside from this you have one small issue - the "{}" (empty list) when used with the "primary variant".
    If not selected, var (primary variant) returns "missing value". So assuming you want to act on nothing being selected it should read:

    tell application "Capture One 20"
    set var to primary variant
    if var is missing value then
    display dialog "No variant selected"
    process var recipe "pour Tap Forms"
    end if
    end tell
  • Gilles Cruypenynck
    Thank you for your reply.
    I modified the script after you pointed out the small issue with empty list.
    I actually tested the applescript on my laptop (same CO and OX versions) and didn't get the Stitching error.
    I also checked the recipe which has nothing fancy and no Open with command.
    So it seems the problem is connected to my desktop computer.

    I use the "Process" command, in a more complex script, very often.

      Where can it come from?
      Any hint you could give me?
      Could a new "install" of CO help?
      The script editor's response doesn't show anything. Is there a way I could "trace" what's happening?
  • Jim_DK
    The only other thing it could come from is the "Stitch with Photoshop" script. How you would invoke it though is a mystery...
  • Gilles Cruypenynck
    Thank you for reply.

    As for the "Stitch with Photoshop" script I'm almost sure that I once tried to launch this script but it failed to complete for one or another reason (old/wrong PS version, wrong input files…?).

    Could that be that the "Stitch with Photoshop" script, after I launched it time ago, is still in a "stalled" state, on idle… "somewhere" on the system, taking over when I run my new script? Or is it pure science fiction?

    If that is the case what could be done?
  • Jim_DK
    Assuming all the above to be true, you may have some errant/corrupt files in your batch job folder on the Mac which is showing this issue.

    Quit CO
    In Finder, go to ~/Library/Application support/Capture One/Batch Queue xx.0/ (where xx is version used)
    Delete the contents
    Restart CO
  • Gilles Cruypenynck
    I deleted all the files in the Batch Queue folder but the problem remains.
    Any other hint?
  • Eric Valk

    What I am seeing here is that the error occurs after the process recipe (batch job) is completed.

    The error is generated by another script or by third party software (not this script nor Capture One).

    There is no feature in Capture One to allow a recipe to call a script.

    There is a feature in Capture One to call a script after a batch job is completed.

    You might try this and see and see if anything is retrieved:

    tell application "Capture One 20" to set theScript to get batch done script
    log theScript

    If that doesn't return "missing value" then that's a likely source of the problem. Do let us know what is returned.

    This line should fix the problem:

    tell application "Capture One 20" to set batch done script to ""


  • Gilles Cruypenynck

    Thank you Eric, 

    I haven't had the need for this script for a while but I've just checked and it now seems to work fine. But I'll keep your instructions in case a new problem occurs.


  • Brown Jones

    There tend to be not many people who can certainly write not so simple posts that artistically.





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