Image size (px) shows twice the real size
In the crop tool, the image size shows up twice it's size : 10944 x 7296 instead of 5472 x 3648 px
I've checked this through several catalogues. This happens in CO9.3 - if I open the same catalogues (from duplicatas) in CO10.01 the size appears as it should. The size in the metadada is correct too ...
Any clues where this can be corrected ?
I've checked this through several catalogues. This happens in CO9.3 - if I open the same catalogues (from duplicatas) in CO10.01 the size appears as it should. The size in the metadada is correct too ...
Any clues where this can be corrected ?
The number of pixels shown may reflect the process recipe that is selected. Is the selected process recipe (on the output tab) one with the size upscaled to 200%?
Ian0 -
.. oh well, it couldn't be simpler 🤭
Thanks very much Ian !0
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