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Applescript not selecting the right image



  • Basstruc
    Hi Rap,
    tell application "Capture One"
    set theImage to path of image 1
    display dialog theImage as text
    end tell

    I tried it and I got the same unaccurate results. The result of the request is not the 1st image, nor the last modified, nor the highest rated, ect....
    There's still to understand how C1 list their images in AS.
    What are you trying to do?

    tell application "Capture One"
    tell (parent image of primary variant) to add variant with additive select
    end tell

    It doesn't seems possible to do that via AS. Anyway, I tried to copy the settings manually in the .cos file from primary to variant and it worked. It should work this way in AS also. But the variant settings applied only when C1 restarted.
  • rap_digital
    I'm trying to add 3 cloned variants that i then manipulate the settings for and give a colour label to. Each colour label implies a code for skin, background and neutral. At the moment I create 3 variants and then close CaptureOne and manipulate the cos files with AS's BAD text manipulation. I'm thinking about looking at Perl for it better text searching etc.
  • Corey Riggle
    Hey Rick,
    how have you been?

    Maybe something along these lines.
    the "key code 99" sends "F3" which is the keyboard shortcut to add clone variant.
    you could add a line to tell capture one to open a certain file before this. It would then select that file.

    Also I'm having the same results with not selecting the right image. Did you create a support case?

    tell application "Capture One"
    tell application "System Events"
    key code 99
    end tell
    end tell

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