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Off-Line images..



  • Robert Farhi
    Yes. Right click on the image, in the contextual menu, "show in finder" or "show in library".
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter
    Assuming you are using a catalog...

    If you right-click an image in the browser that C1 says is offline, one of the things in the context menu that comes up is "Show in Library". That will take you to the folder in the Library tool where C1 thinks the image is. If it is, say, on an external drive, the drive should show a red line next to it if it is not connected and a green one if it is connected (in which case you would expect the images not to be off line). If they are catalogued as being in a folder that is not connected, your remedy is to connect the drive in question (though you can work on the images without that - you just can't export). If C1 thinks the location is connected, and the images are shown as offline, then is it possible that they have been moved but not from within C1 (using Finder perhaps)? If so you can use Locate on the File menu to tell C1 where they have gone to.

  • GJT_West
    Thanks guys. That helped a lot.And gets me closer to figuring where the problem is.

    That method does not work for images that were reorganised AND the old location no longer exists in the catalog. Basically my problem is I have a bunch of User Collections that seem to have lost their connection the original source files. Even though the originals have been relocated using C1 the User collections were not also repaired. So I have a file that exists with the same name in the raw catalog, and inside a smart collection. The smart collection shows the file as missing.

    Anybody know how to update the location of images within SmartFolders?
  • Robert Farhi
    Smart albums or collections are only virtual folders. The pictures there are in other places of the catalog. I suggest, if you don't know where there are, that you search them using the filters of the library (with "All images" chosen), and typing their names. There is a possibility of searching for multiple images using in the main bar menu : Select -> select by.... -> Filename list....
  • Paul Steunebrink
    Before and after relocating images I advice to verify the catalog (File menu, Verify)
  • Alexander
    Product Manager
    [quote="UCS308" wrote:
    Anybody know how to update the location of images within SmartFolders?

    Right click the image and select "Show in Library". This will point you to the folder where Capture One previously thought it was, and this folder you can relocate.

    Read more here: ... -catalogs/
  • NN635566859283337715UL
    Use Synchronize in the Library module to remove the offline and missing photos from the catalog.
    If this is what you want to do.
    Library---Folders----etc.------Pictures----folder where pictures are stored, right click and choose synchronize.
  • David Moore
    Ive been Verifying a catalog for 30 hours now. Does it take that long? the gold colored process indicator is all the way across but the activity window keeps adding lines that state, "Transfer in progress". ForceQuit app does not indicate that CO12 is not responding, so I guess it's still working. 55k image catalog. Any thoughts?
  • David Moore
    It's been so long I forgot I had hit the repair db. I figured that out by closing CO and did verify repair again. It seems to be in the same loop again. The gold color activity bar imediantly goes all the way over to the end but Transfer in progress keeps going. Ill make a new catalog and see if I can import the old catalog into it> Any other ideas???
  • Fred Kotler
    I encountered a similar problem. Verify reported an error and when told to repair was taking an inordinately long time. (After a week of this, I contacted Support who suggested the process was hung and to quit or force quit CO, move the catalog (about 85 GB) to my internal drive and try again. (It normally resides on an external USB3 connected spinner with the referenced images.) This time the verify completed successfully in about an hour. I then moved the catalog back to the external drive and all has been well since.

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