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  • Ulf Liljegren
    In each tab of each tool there is a \"Apply to selected captures\" button.
    Do the changes high light the images you want to change (all of them is Apple + A) and then click this button.

    Please avoid using CAPS, it is not considdered polite.
  • Leigh1
    I typically make a global adjustment to every image in a particular shot as a starting point and then if the light conditions are varied (such as when using available light) I'll go back through and re-adjust smaller groups or individual images as needed.

    The workflow is one of the features that really sets C1 apart from other software. After shooting on location all day I can come back at night, quickly make adjustments to all of my images (usually 600-1000 in 10-18 shots), and then let the computer process overnight. C1 allows me to process and deliver ALL the images that make it past my quick initial edit; the client gets everything on a hard drive and I don't get wrapped up in their post-production schedule.

  • guipster
    Thanks for the info so far, but can someone tell me how to get to each tab of each tool, and exactly where the \"Apply to selected Caputures\" button is? Do you press the tab button while looking for your tools, obviously am a bit confused with this.

    Also how do you make your global adjustments? Could you be more specific? Is there a checklist or can you tell me step by step how to make these global adjustments in a batch of images that were selected in the editing process? It sounds as if you have a good set up of editing them and sending them off to your clients? Could you share how you go abouts this?

    Thanks for all your help and look forward in hearing from you.

  • Ulf Liljegren
    Open help file and choose \"7 Editing and slecting images\" secong section is showing \"tool panel\" you is the tool to switch to view (tab)
    Now click whitebalance, scroll down to \"Apply white balance to selected capture\" this displays the icon and feature you are looking for, same to each tool view, where the buttons function applies that tool views feature to the selected images.

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