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missing IPTC after C1 SE processing



  • Ulf Liljegren

    Please to try to give us some more details.
    1. Version number
    2. Is this IPTC data which you have added in the IPTC editor in C1?
    3. Which IPTC tags are you refering to?
    4. PhotoShop version
    5 Have you had any other softwares reading this files before?
    One very important thing is to stress that C1 never ever writes to a file but other software can, this means they can alter string data to a none orginal RAW file structure which C1 never does, this can interfer with your results.
  • David Gordon
    I'm trying C1 SE 3.5.2 (v1082)

    The IPTC was added to my raw files (Olympus ORF) using iView - not C1

    Specific tags missing include: Document Title, Author, Description, Copyright Notice, Date Created, State/Provence, Country, Credit, Headline.

    Photoshop CS version 8

    As I said I am trying C1. I have developed my raw files in C1 and Adobe Camera Raw to compare. The files processed in ACR retain all the IPTC data as expected.
  • Ulf Liljegren
    Are you adding IPTC to RAW using iView?
    IPTC does not belong to a RAW file, in fact Phase One policy has always been that a RAW file is a neg, a neg should never ever be altered in any way, where by we never writes to file which some programs does, this many many photographers has extremely grateful for, we can say that we have never corrupted a file which many other programs have.
    We only support the EXIF data that that the camera produce as input.
    Where by C1 can add IPTC to the TIF in the output.
  • mtomalty
    [quote="UlfLiljegren" wrote:
    Phase One policy has always been that a RAW file is a neg, a neg should never ever be altered in any way, where by we never writes to file which some programs does.


    I can appreciate the policy,and the logic behind it,but what would
    you suggest photographers do to keep track of,and retrieve on
    demand,RAW images from a database such as Extensis Portfolio.
    I've amassed over 30,000 raw files from the 1Ds in under two years
    and without a keyword based archiving/filing system it would be
    impossible to run a professional business.
    All my 1Ds RAW files have been loosely keyworded and captioned with
    PhotoMechanic without a single corruption.

    Is there the possiblity that PhaseOne could at some point create a
    product that would ensure a 'safe' way to enter such data to a
    RAW file or is this a technical impossibility.

    Mark Tomalty
  • David Gordon
    [quote="UlfLiljegren" wrote:
    Are you adding IPTC to RAW using iView?
    IPTC does not belong to a RAW file, in fact Phase One policy has always been that a RAW file is a neg, a neg should never ever be altered in any way

    Yes, I'm using iView to add IPTC to my RAW files and I don't think that's wrong.

    You are correct in that the image data in a RAW file should never be altered. To follow on and suggest that metadata should not be touched shows, I believe. an over purest ideal which does not take into account real ways of working by some photographers.

    I already have shelves full of negatives. Each film is stored in a page which is labelled with data which I added about the shoot; the date, the location. All the stuff I have now come to know as metadata and which I add to my digital files in the IPTC fields.

    In your modern world I would store my images on CDs or DVDs with no additional notes. None of my images would contain information about who owns the rights to them, where they were taken, details of who is in the picture or what limitations there are to usage of the picture. Yes of course I would add this information to my catalogue - but what happens when my CDs become separated from my computer some time in the future? Or I lose my image catalogue along with its backup? When the metadata which is important to me is stored within the image file all I need do is re-archive my CDs and I will once again have all the information.

    I think, with respect, you are wrong on this issue - no matter if the EXIF or IPTC standards say otherwise. Intellectual property is, as you know, the oil of the twenty-first century (Getty). The most important thing to me here is that my images in which I own and control the rights state "Copyright © David Gordon" and not by the way, "this picture taken with an Olympus camera".
  • Ulf Liljegren
    Excelent input guys!
    I do not think (my own opinion) we will ever write IPTC to RAW data due to the single reason that no one should never be able to say that C1 has corrupted the RAW files.
    But we should be able to bring existing IPTC data forward to a developed file.
    I will bring information forward and hopefully have a answer shortly.

    Let's close this thread here.

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