kann mir jemand helfen helfen? Ich komme von Lightroom zu Capture One und frage mich wie ich einen Katalog den ich erstellt habe wieder Löschen kann. Ich habe jetzt Capture One Pro 20.
Kann ich einen Katalog erstellen, der sich auf den Bildordner auf den Rechner bezieht? ich möchte die Bilddateien nicht erneut in einem Capture One Katalog speichern, sondern nur einen Katalog haben der sich auf die ohnehin gespeicherten Bilder bezieht. Idealerweise importiert das Programm automatisch alle neuen Bilddateien in den Capture One Katalog bei jedem öffnen des Programmes.
Kann mann Capture One auf die Erstinstallation zurücksetzen?(frisches Programm)
Weiterhin interessiert mich, ob ich bei der Rauschreduktion, wie in Lightroom mit der Maskierung anwenden kann? (in Lightroom Alt + Maskieren)
Gruß Sven
You can delete a catalog just by deleting the catalog file from your computer using Finder for a Mac or File Explorer for a PC.
You can create a catalog and leave files in the same place. In the import dialog box, one of the choices you can make is Destination (sorry I don't know what it is called in the German edition). and you can set that to Current Location.
Yes you can rest everything to how it was at the start. The main thing you might want to do is on the Window menu choose Workspace>Default.
You can apply nose reduction to parts of the image by creating a new adjustment layer, using a brush to create the mask for the parts you want to affect, then setting the sliders in the noise reduction tool to whatever values you choose.
(I only used Google translate, so I hope I understood correctly what you were asking.)
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Hi Sven,
Please note this is an international user forum and chances that other users will help you are higher if you try it in English.
The sub forum you have chosen is used for feature requests. As you don't request a feature it would have been better to put your question in the Mac or Windows or general workflow sub forums. I advise to do so in the future.
Noise reduction: Luminanz noise reduction can be applied in layers, i.e. you can mask specific areas where you want to have additional noise reduction. Color noise and hot pixels can only be applied to the base (background) layer.
It would be interesting if you run Mac or Windows. Catalogs can reference images in any folder, and this includes the picture folder. However, catalogs cannot monitor folders, so you would need to import new images manually in C1. Sessions, which is a slightly different concept to catalogs, can monitor folders, but sessions create additional folders and files to store adjustments you do to your images as well as cache files, which you might possibly not want to see in your system pictures folder.
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