Can recipes be applied selectively to image variants?
I am relatively new to Capture One Pro 20 and see the benefits of process recipes. However, I am struggling to find a way to automatically apply recipes selectively to different variants. For example, I have created three recipes, one for Prints, one for Instagram, and one for the web. Now for a selected image, I create three variants of the image, one with a full crop size for eventual print, one with the 1080x1080 crop size for instagram and another 16x9 for the web. The traditional method is to select all the three variants and apply the three process recipes to create one output for each of the recipes. This method creates many unnencessary output files. Is there an automated process, that the recipe for print will select the full crop variant, the recipe for instagram, picks the instagram variant and the recipe for web picks the web variant.
I would like to hear a solution to this as well... if there is one.
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How do you identify which of the variant edits is to be used with each output recipe you wish to process?
If it is something that can be used for filtering then simply filter the required images for the variant type that you wish to process, get the list of images, select the process recipe required and run the batch. Maybe make that semi-permanent for instance albums using a smart album concept?
Repeat he process for the other variant types that you wish to process with separate recipes.
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