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Show All Images in Subfolders




  • Lily

    Hi Kyle,

    Thank you for the post.

    This feature request has been already submitted by other users as well.

    Please, feel free to check the release notes once a new version of the product comes out to see what features and improvements have been added.

  • Greymont

    I came to C1 because Skylum was giving answers to customer issues about Luminar just like this one. I am VERY disappointed with this response. It is totally lame.

    To respond with "This feature request has been already submitted by other users as well" when the first line of the request already says "This has been requested for years" is condescending and patronizing. I just finished adding my request tot he pile just before I saw this particular exchange. I sure hope I don't get a similar response!

    Please implement this change!

  • LightRoomConvert

    Yes, please implement this change. It's the one thing keeping me from migrating from Lightroom.


    As I tried to describe here:


    I can't think of any feasible alternative: refiling 15 years of photos is not feasible; plus, even if I wanted to do it, how would I do? With albums? But you cannot nest albums one within the other. With hierarchical keywords? It's not clear at all

  • Daniel Barth

    I second the request. An absolute requirement to me, an a little baffling it is missing. Seems like neither rocket science nor an extraordinarily bizarre requirement...

  • Kirby Turnage

    The suggestion to convert LR catalogs to Capture One, even in v21, is missing a hugely important elephant in the room: we need to be able to see ALL images in subfolders for C1 Catalogs to be fully helpful. This has been a standard offering in LR and is badly needed in C1. I have 20 years of images I would like to catalog in C1. Only when this is made available will I be converting completely from LR to C1 in terms of being a storage system for all of my images. Surprising deficiency, given it has been requested for years by users, in such an amazing product. Please provide feature!!

  • Phrank

    @Kirby Turnage. Totally agree. I have the same Problem. Recently I got a book project and needed to search for 20 years of images. In LR I have splitted all my shootings by year (not getting to big databases), but that was horrible – open and close each year. With C1 it's great you can open several catalogs at the same time, but to really search for an image it's important to look at them all at the same time. The workflow to build extra user projects and albums is a solution to see all images, but why if you can make it easier…

  • Francesco Tarantelli

    Wholeheartedly join the request. It is high time the developers implement such an obvious and simple option. Hope they will listen asap.

  • Gareth Redfern-Shaw

    Can't believe this basic and vital feature hasn't been implemented yet. It's been months, hopefully you'll implement it in the next release, you'd think by v21 it would be present when it's in every single competitors app.

  • Scott Lonning

    I started out with Capture One years ago...converted to Lightroom...and am giving Capture One 21 a try. VERY disappointed to see that such basic functionality as being able to see subfolders in a Catalog is still missing. Also, even though you can select by format (eg JPG) in simple search still can't filter by JPG when defining "search criteria". I like the editing functions but the CATALOG needs considerable work before being really functional and fully integrated as a cataloging/photo editing solution. 


  • SFA

    Subfolders in a catalog may contain, for example, output files. Personally, I would have no obvious need to automatically add the content of Output-based folders to the catalogue automatically in all situations so I would not like to see the current functionality changed without providing options to avoid it - preferably by making it an "opt in" rather than an "opt out".

    There is a Format field option when filtering in the search tool, setting up Smart albums, and so on.  

    You can also add the "Format" field to the list of filters displayed in the Filters tool if that helps. ".jpg" works there for my system and I do not recall reading any reports of it not being possible to filter by file type extension. So if you have a problem finding or using it, it is just possible it is some sort of strange local problem rather then a generic problem. 

  • Class A


    The "Show All Images in Subfolders" option would
    a) of course be an option, and
    b) not show images in subfolders that have not been imported (into catalogs).

    The functionality is about showing images that are already imported, not about importing images.

    Your concern luckily does not point to a real problem. Your suggested solutions are unfortunately all cumbersome workarounds for a simple piece of functionality that works perfectly fine in Light room, for instance.

  • Oz0ne

    Please add my vote here as well. I need this feature definitely. Already working with C1 almost two years and trying to find an argument for myself to completely switch from LR. Possibility to view pictures in several folders is very important. Absense of such possibility is one of booking factors for me to move away from LR. Even with a single folder, there is no possibility to view all images in a grid view mode. I was trying to select all photos in the folder and C1 is able to show only few of them in the greed mode. There is no possibility to scroll the window just to see all pictures in one folder. C1 says that there are more pictures but not allows to view them by scrolling up and down. Why in C1 so many simple things are made so difficult to use or absent at all.  

  • Class A

    @Oleksiy Yefremenko
    It is possible to scroll the grid in Capture One.

    You need to hide the "Viewer" and show the "Browser" (the latter might be visible already and will expand to claim the available space).

    You can then choose the size of the "thumbnails" (images) in the browser and thus get many images into view at once. The browser also allows you to scroll up and down (e.g. with the mouse wheel).

    Inexplicably resizing the browser thumbnails does not work by pressing Ctrl and using the mouse wheel.

    Hiding/Showing the Viewer and/or browser is easy via keyboard shortcuts and very easy by using a controller like the Contour ShuttlePro V2. 

  • Greymont

    Please do not hijack this thread by continuing to discuss catalog display grid viewing! Keep the comments on-topic.

  • nvdg

    Been using Capture One for years now and generally been very happy with switching from LR, but one thing that is absolutely mind boggling is that this feature hasn't been implemented yet... Get with it Phase One!

  • Intenditore

    That's insanely stupid to screw your users with such things (there are not one!). That's among one of the things I can't finally leave LR (despite I DO wish to). C'mon, wake up please!

  • FirstName LastName

    The absence of this feature is particularly infuriating because the ability to do so appears to already exists - when you go to import a folder on your harddrive, C1 is able to show you all the photos in subfolders for you to review before import. So why can C1 do this under the import function but not otherwise?

  • Andy Stenz

    I am 99% of the way to moving from LR and buying C1. I've used it for about a week and can edit my photos better than I did in 12+ years of editing in LR (and the speed with the GFX 100s files... lightspeed against the tortoise that is LR).


    I  seriously can't just see ALL of the files in a folder structure? OF COURSE we use subfolders for various things and have for years and, OF COURSE, we'd want to be able to see all of those files at once, sometimes. 


    I'm seriously loving C1. But this just screws up things when I have 60k images already organized in folder structures I'd like to maintain. 


    Ways around it? Sure, I'll come up with something. But is it really all that difficult to program in when every other program can do it? 

  • Intenditore

    So true. I'm on the edge of moving to C1 for YEARS, but such things just wreck the whole LR escapement plan :\

  • Tony

    New up date no subfolders viewing.  

  • Scott Lonning

    Not true. The new update DOES include subfolders viewing.

  • Tony

    Do tell 

  • Greymont

    It took a LONG time but I have to say Thank You to the C1 team for providing this functionality.

    Unfortunately, I have moved on to other products. Some day I expect to take another look at C1, and this will help.

  • Andy Stenz

    Downloading 14.3 now... I'm so EXCITED. Thank you, C1 Team for putting this in!! 

  • Tony

    Could somebody explain where the options for this are found?


  • Phrank

    Just here in the context menu if you click on the folder. You can "Hide Images in Subfolders" or don’t hide.

  • Tony

    Well then it has either been added for Mac or for Catalogs.  I use Windows and session and those options are not there.


  • Okular

    Correct, works for catalogs only, see the realease notes:

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    @Capture One, please implement image in sub folder support for sessions.

  • George Kalogeris

    I am on Subscription and I RUN TO GET ALL NEW UPDATES IN A HOPE to see my subfolders.

    Not there yet!!!!

    (Capture One 21 Pro v., Windows 11 Pro, one session)


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