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Support for Leica M10R




  • Lily

    Hi Dirk,

    Thank you for the camera request.

    I have forwarded it to the corresponding thread dedicated to the requests on adding support for new camera models.

  • Roland Ayala

    Ditto on M10R. It's actually been out for a few months now, so not exactly a "new camera model" anymore. Would be great to get an update else I'll need to revert back to LR.

  • Mario Buda

    Still no M10R support?! The M10 setting is not useable. 

  • David Köpfli

    allso today with the new Version CaptureOne 21 there is no support for the Leica M10R. When have you planed to support this wundervoll camera, witch is sill out 6 month ago? I am tired to use LR. Thanks a lot David

  • FirstName LastName

    I was astonished and very sad to see that the Leica M10R has not been added to the supported cameras!!! How can that be...the camera is out for at least 5-6 months...

    I am considering C1 or LR to begin working with the camera...i'd prefer C1 but if i don't have the choice...:o(

  • Paul Gibian

    No support for M10R in C1 21? l switched from C1 20 back to LR CC because they support the M10R. Was excited to see support in 21 but no go. You guys support the M10 monochrome yet none for M10R. Such a joke.

  • Roland Ayala

    @Paul, I feel your pain. Just when I finally weaned myself off of LR in favor in CO as my goto editor, I'm back in LR now, and will cancel my CO subscription if no M10R support soon.

    The thing CO needs to understand is that most people (esp. those who use products like CO) have multiple cameras from different manufacturers, and we don't want multiple workflows for each. Hence, even though CO is a superior editor to LR in many respects, if Phase One is going to keep us guessing about which cameras to support then we're better off with LR. I agree, it's really odd they would support M10M and not M10R. I assume they will at some point, but an ETA would be appreciated for paying subscribers.

  • Josh Abrams

    Agree, really sad to see no support for M10-R yet... the M10 profile isn't usable. Please don't make me use LR... 


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