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It there a way to see or print which adjustments have been made



  • happymac

    Hello Michael,

    I have the same question ;-). Hopefully someone knows the answer.


  • ---

    the values used in c1 will not have the same effect applied in LR.  I would send a small jpg as reference, maybe a screenshot but better get adobe ps and send a dng ;-) 

  • happymac

    Thanks – I would be grateful to find out, which adjustments in C1 were made.

  • ---

    you could make a screenshot from the tool panel but keep in mind also the tools itself have different effects.  but when you have a reference image and the raw side by side it should not be too difficult to match them in LR.

  • happymac

    Great advice for transferring to LR.

    I would appreciate it, if there is a chance to get any information about the adjustments which were made in C1. I moved from C1 v10 to C1 v20/21. After the update of the color engine, really strange color rendering occurs (Leica M9, DNG). I tried to rebuild the settings, but failed due to the missing information, what I adjusted 4 years ago....

  • ---

    sounds more like a sad Mac... are the sidecar files c1 writes lost ? but I also have to say I do not fully understand your problem


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