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Moving Images and Catalogs from Sierra Mac Pro Mid 2012 to Mac Mini M1



  • Deirdre Ryan

    I've crashed now. On  a brand new Mac Mini with 2TB of internal space and I cannot find where the cat went to so that I can move everything. Also I don't see a way to uninstall the software. 

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    If the catalog really is being used already, Capture One creates a small file called writelock which prevents it being opened twice. When the catalog is closed, the writelock file should be automatically deleted, but if for some reason it doesn't close as it should (perhaps because of a crash) the writelock file may still be there. You can delete it manually and then you should be OK.

    In Finder, right-click the .cocatalog file and choose "Show package contents". You should see something like this.

    Delete the writelock file.


  • Deirdre Ryan

    Thank you Ian! I'll see if I can do this. 

    However I still can't see where everything ended that I can move them over to a larger drive. It's not letting see where the images are.


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