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Capture One 21 crashes on Opening



  • Jean Christophe Glaudel

    J'ai le même problème depuis aujourd'hui Rarrrrr

  • Ted Stump

    Jean.  I did finally receive some excellent help from Capture One support, which resolved my issue.  My catalog was corrupted and I needed to reload it.  Attached is the email I received from Julia Seutsova on the support team.  If you have difficulty accessing the link, please email me directly and I will send you the email (  There are five successive steps in the process.  I had to continue to step 5 (Import the corrupt catalog into a new catalog), but that worked and my catalog of over 25,000 images is now fully restored.


    Julia Seutsova (Capture One)

    Apr 8, 2021, 14:38 GMT+2

    Hello Ted,

    Thank you for reaching out and your patience during this busy time of the year.

    It sounds like the database you are trying to open is damaged or corrupt.

    Open Capture One by holding down the Opt key, after initializing the application. This will prompt a window to appear on the screen, whereby you can choose to create a new database (Catalog or Session) or open a previously used, healthy database.
    Then, follow these instructions on How to recover a corrupt Catalog?
    The link for these instructions is as follows... 
    If verification continuously fails, please skip it and try all further troubleshooting steps described in the article:
    - Copy the cocatalogdb file to your boot drive
    - Backup with Test Integrity and Optimize
    - Upload a backup of the catalog – Restoring a Catalog from a backup
    - Import the corrupt catalog into a new catalog

    Let me know how it goes, Ted!

    Best regards,
    Julia - Capture One Customer Support.

    We encourage you to browse our Help Center for detailed product documentation, helpful pro tips, and much more.




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