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non image files not displaying in C1



  • photo by FA

    You don’t miss anything, C1P doesn’t do that. One option for you to save as DNG or TIFF. Otherwise you are out of luck.

  • Gerald Moulder

    Any output generated from images in a catalog will not show up in the catalog until you import them back into the catalog.  Sessions or better suited for processing images and having them appear in the selected output folder (e.g. Capture or Output) immediately without importing them.. C1 cannot translate contents of a .afphoto file so you will not see them in C1 or as a choice to import.  If you want to see the affinity results in C1, export from affinity photo as tiff (for lots of data), jpeg, png, or psd if you have Photoshop.  I was playing around with Affinity Photo to see what filetypes I could send back to C1.  Hope this helps

  • RK

    Thanks for the comments.

    Seems a bit frustrating that C1 won't even show the files exist. Don't necessarily want to process the files with C1 but just know they are there.

    Shame I can't use C1 as cataloging hub.


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