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C1 22 Update?



  • SFA


    If you look back at previous years you may be able to spot some sort of pattern for releases that might offer guidance about what to expect. 

    Maybe the release notes documentation would help although I don't recall if they are specifically dated.

  • Benjamin Norton

    Thanks SFA,

    I figured that rather than following some pattern , It might have been prudent for P1/C1 to address the frankly massive issues, (They don't work), with two of the biggest selling points of C1 22. Thanks for the advice though and I'll have a look.



  • Permanently deleted user

    Please note that "Check for updates" is broken in 15.0.0, you need to download 15.0.1 manually.

  • Benjamin Norton

    Hahaha of course it is. Thanks for the heads up Mario. 

  • Ric Cohn

    Mario, OMG I thought you were joking but you are correct. I should have believed that C1 22 was broken in more ways. I also notice that there is not one new lens profile. I also don't see any fixes for the issues Benjamin mentions.

    I would expect a well run company to put an announcement about new releases at the top of their forum-- particularly when their own software is broken so users who check through the program get an incorrect "You are up to date" message.


  • Benjamin Norton

    It looks like the only thing it's addressing is a Z9 profile not loading properly on Win and Mac.

    Great work.


    I think it's time I start looking more seriously at Adobe for my post processing.


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