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Full license and bug fix updates



  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Yes, the perpetual license includes all minor updates of your licensed version.

    Usually C1 provides major version upgrades (e.g. v22 to v23) around the end of each year and minor updates for approx. one year (until the next major upgrade version is released). After that, don't expect any minor update for your current version. But you then get the next major version upgrade with a discount.

    So, for v22, minor updates will come this year which are included for you, and you can use your version as long as you like (given it runs on operating system updates and given the activation server at C1 is online).

    That is how it usually worked, be advised I am a customer, not C1 staff.

  • SFA


    Just to add a little to BeO's excellent reply ...

    In recent history the timing of some significant updates has tended to be related to the release schedules that Apple and Microsoft have adopted for their most significant changes to their Operating Systems. These tend to be every 6 month with a "Major" update being scheduled in October/November time and a mid-year update being April/May.

    Many software developers that need to follow the OS update patterns tend to have their releases about a month after Apple and MS simply to ensure that whatever was being offered in the last pre-release versions of the OS's was in fact delivered and, perhaps in some cases, that other third party vendors - for example Graphics Cards developers, have also made viable updates available that work with the new OS releases. 

    C1 has been in the habit of releasing several updates during the year with a mid year update that may also contain some significant new functionality although it may not always be something that all users are likely to use.  Some years have seen 2 significant releases of functionality during the year. 

    My guess is that this year the most significant (perhaps the only) mid year release with "new functionality"  may be the iPad version already announced. 

    However, like BeO I am only a customer and I have no knowledge of any plans other than what can already be discovered in the public domain.

  • Andy

    Thank you very much for your expertise :)


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