Open catalog (created in 14.3.1) in 14.2
After many bugs in version 14.3.1 (opencl bug on export - even after kernel reset, no annotations, daily unexpected quits....), I wanted to go back to 14.2. and what turned out? Could not open directory from 14.3.1. Is there any tool or option to do this? It is impossible to work on the latest C1 version and the deadlines are catching up with me
C1 usually makes a backup of the catalog before upgrading, which you can restore.
However, the catalog 14.3 cannot be downgraded, so work done with 14.3 is lost. Or you continue for this job (deadlines...) with 14.3 despite your issues.
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A theory:
If you export the Originals with Adjustments you get a session-like folder structure and files.If you change the folder names e.g Settings143 to Settings142, and you change the entries in the .cos files with a
batch text editor, possibly you can open the files with a new Session created with 14.2.e.g. I run version 13.1.3 and my entries in the .cos files are:
<E K="Author" V=" Pro Win" />
and somewhere in the middle
<VAR Engine="1300">
I don't know if the .comask files (layer mask) would be recognized, but maybe you don't have any.
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i will try this. As a temporary solution. Thank you
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Tell us what the result will be please.
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Are you running Mac or Windows?
Also, where all of the problems related to the Hardware Acceleration issues and output processing/export?
Did you do any tests with Hardware Acceleration turned off?
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Mac (MBP retina).
as I mentioned, I have acceleration turned on, photos have artifacts when exporting. delete opencl (according to the advice on support). the next export is ok, but the next one - again the photos have artifacts
when I have acceleration turned off, the export process takes a long time
and it's not the only problem (which I reported a month ago and don't have an answer). in the latest version there are no annotations in the photos which is unacceptable for me because I use this tool every day. the program quits unexpectedly several times a day. always after starting I have changed the order of the tools on the sidebar (although I have a saved workspace; i reported it 6months also long time ago)
as of today it is not a tool for professional work. there is more frustration when using it. I consider installing Lr as a temporary tool so I don't lose customers.0 -
OK, If you were running Windows I would suggest checking for GPU driver change but that is not an option, as far as I understand things, for Mac users. Unless Apple have something to offer.
When you reported the problem a month ago did you create a Support Case using the "Submit a request" option of the Community pages?
Not being a Mac person this may be a bad suggestion but your Workspace issues (and maybe even the sudden crashes) might be something to do with the dynamic user settings files that in Windows ar referred to as useconfig files but I think are plist items on a Mac. Mac user please correct me if I am wrong.
That your Workspace adjustment even when saved (with your own unique name for the settings you prefer?) may indicate that the dynamic user settings are not being correctly handled for some reason. Some of the dynamic settings could just possibly be conflicting with expected settings if they relate to a previous version of C1 and its settings. Note that there are some such differences likely between 14.2 and 14.3 and almost certainly some differences going back to earlier versions.
Typically they will be carried forward and updated when required for new versions. But if for some reason that update is not completely successful random anomalies are possible.
Is it safe to assume you have already been down the re-installation route?
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