first export usually fails
Just moved to v21 As with previous versions, my first export to jpg (after starting C1) usually fails, but now I get a nice error dialog with the cause specified as
"Error [OpenCL Queue Fail Allocation - 78 - resOpenCLQueueFailAllocation]"
Yes, I know - open a support ticket, yada yada... but is this happening to others?
It seems you have GPU acceleration enabled for exports. I had broken jpgs occassionally when I had it enabled. After disabling that option, exports work flawlessly for me. So GPU acceleration is only enabled for previews now.
Maybe just avoid the hassle and disable it too?
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Thanks, I can try that.
It's depressing though that the answer to so many problems ends up being "disable GPU acceleration".
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... but at least on Windows you have some control over your graphics drivers. If you find that disabling hardware acceleration for processing solves the problem, you have narrowed down the cause and perhaps a driver update (or roll-back) would be the answer and enable you to turn it back on.
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Based on your title for the post are you saying that the failure only applies to the first export of the day?
That would seem strange, if so.
There are some log files produced when C1 sets up Hardware acceleration. You may need to take a look at those (or have someone else take a look at them if that sort of technical info interpretation is not your thing) to see if anything strange is happening during your start-up process.
I have noted on my systems that the entire process realted to assessing and building kernel files for using an Intel processor built-in software-based GPU can take about 10 minutes. Nvidia hardware GPUs seem to have much faster assessments.
This should really only happen once unless your system configuration is changing (or appearing to change) frequently. Once the details have been created and saved C1 checks on each startup to see if anything has changed and whether the required kernel drivers already exist. If no changes and the files exist the assessment process would not normally be repeated.
The reason I mention this (and asked the question about "first time") is that the assessment is independent of being able to use C1. So I am just wondering if it might be possible that the process is re-running every time you start C1, is very slow to complete and is still running, without having fully created the required files, when you send it an Export task.
Such a situation sounds unlikely in most normal cases but could explain, in some strange way, what you are describing.
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Not just the first export of the day - the first export each time I restart C1. This has been going on forever and my video driver is up-to-date.
Maybe I'll look at those log files. I've learned to to a 'dummy' export first, to get things working.
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Yo aun no logro exportar y ademas tampoco puedo cambiar los nombres de las imágenes, es como si me negara el permiso para cambiar o escribir sobre la carpeta.
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GPU driver being up to date is usually a good thing - but sometimes not. Not all new releases are error-free. in terms of their interaction with operating systems or applications.
However, your description of the problem does seem very odd and somewhat inexplicable.
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Olvide comentar que compre la versión exclusiva para NIKON, no se si sea la razón de la falla.
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