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DJI Mavic 3 DNG Files



  • Michael Kehl

    same in my system. very poor, hope this will be fixed soon. PS works properly with mavic 3 dng files

  • SFA


    Given that DNG is a set of Adobe defined and managed Standards (note the plural) it would be extremely disappointing - even worrying -  for everyone if their applications did not support all varieties of DNG files.

  • stein-ove rokstad

    Same here, DJI Mavic 3 DNG files (raw) is not supported in the latest Capture One 21 version. When will this be fixed?

  • Permanently deleted user

    Same here in C1 21. No Support. My old Lightroom 6.14 with Camera Raw 10.1 works. 

    Please fix it asap. 


  • Latte Dodo

    Same here, DJI Mavic 3 DNG files (raw) is not supported :-(

  • Jeffrey Totaro

    Same for me. I thought DNG was universal? I wasn't expecting this delay in getting the new drone. C1 doesn't even see the files on import. This is a real hole in my workflow. Please, please, please....

  • frances andrijich

    Same same! Please capture provide updates to help with the issue asap!

  • Blaya Nelly

    Same here !

    Lightroom and photoshop read this files !

  • Latte Dodo

    Does anyone know if the new version Capture One 22 Pro 15.0.0 could edit the DNG files of DJI Mavic 3 ?

  • Blaya Nelly

    At the moment C1 22 does not recognize the DNGs of the mavic 3, the question is when will C1 22 recognize them ?

  • Permanently deleted user

    Same here. Capture One 21 and Capture One 22, both can not import DNG from Mavic 3 :-(

  • Ed Catlett

    The problem, unfortunately, is that the camera is Hasselblad in the header info and Phase One doesn't support Hasselblad files ever. It is frankly pretty silly in this case as there is no drone competition from Phase One.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hmm. DJI Mavic 2 Pro DNGs can be imported and this is also a Hasselblad lens. Only Mavic 3 can not be imported.

  • Ed Catlett

    The lens isn't the issue. The issue is what is embedded in the metadata.

  • Permanently deleted user

    You are right. If I change Exif Manufaktur "Hasselblad" to "DJI" in the DNG with an Exif Editor, than the DNG can be processed by Capture One 22.

  • Ed Catlett

    Stefan I have tried with several different EXIF editors but they all ended up essentially making the dng unreadable even by Photoshop. I must be doing something wrong that I am missing. Any more hints? Especially with a known good EXIF editor that works well and doesn't mess up the PNG?

  • Blaya Nelly

    Pour moi ça fonctionne avec Exif pilot en passant seulement le paramètre Exif : "Make" de "Hasselblad" à "Dji"

  • Blaya Nelly

    Mais ce serait bien que Capture One fasse le nécessaire pour que ça fonctionne !

  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Ed, I first convert the DNG file with the Adobe DNG converter to another DNG and then with Exif Editor. Sounds strange, but Exif Editor could not change the original DNG from the Mavic 3, but the adobe dog converted outcome. All on a Mac ;-) Cheers Stefan 

  • Permanently deleted user

    Thx., i tested: osx 10.14.6, C1 22 and with Photo Exif Editor it worked when changing the Name "Hasselblad" to DJI... Import works. No conversion via adobe dng converter necessary.

  • Gareth Byrne

    Where can I find Photo Exif Editor on the web?

  • Permanently deleted user

    I found it in the apple app store.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Seems to be "Photos Exif Editor" in the App Store (Mac).

    Tried it and worked also as batch :-)

  • Blaya Nelly

    Pour les utilisateurs Windows, Exif Pilot gratuit ou payant en attendant que Capture One face le nécessaire :

  • Ed Catlett

    Thanks guys but I tried both suggestions and while Capture One now kind of recognizes the file, it gives me a "Proxy Creation Failed" error.

  • Blaya Nelly

    Double clic sur "Make", remplacer  "Hasselblad" par "Dji", valider, c'est tout !

  • Ed Catlett

    OK this is weird and it makes me think that the solve may be temporary. I did the procedure as you said EXCEPT I typed "DJI" that gives the error no matter what. BUT using "Dji" seems to work though I haven't tested with very many files yet. 


  • Gareth Byrne

    Im getting "Proxy Creation Failed" error for both DJI / dji on MAC

  • Permanently deleted user

    Photo Exif Editor works by me with both: Dji an DJI ... C1 22 imports both versions. For now i am happy with this workaround.


  • Ed Catlett

    I have now done a test of 114 files from my first flight.

    Using Photos EXIF Editor on the original DJI files to change "Hasselblad" to "Dji" gave me the Proxy Creation Failed error

    Converting my DJI files with Adobe DNG Converter then changing "Hasselblad" to "Dji" worked perfectly. I am going to keep going with all of my files but it looks promising now hopefully Capture One doesn't upgrade something to mess us all over. 


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