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It is possible to collapse all the tools except the one I am using



  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    LightRoom-style "Solo" mode would be a welcome feature. Ask here:

  • Antolín Agar

    Thanks Keith, I'll keep dreaming.

  • SFA

    One option that may work would be to drag the current tool out to be a floating tool. Hide the tools temporarily and then unhide the tools and put the floating tool back where it came from when finished with it.

    I appreciate that i is not what is being asked for.

    That said I have, in past years, seen presentations where seasoned users have turned off tool display and simply use Keyboard Shortcut inputs for 90% of their work. The speed and skills seemed impressive under those circumstances.

  • Antolín Agar

    Thank you SFA, it is a good contribution. Indeed, it is not what I would like to have but it is quite similar in the sense that you only have the current tool in front of you and the other tools do not get in the way.

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    I use keyboard shortcuts in Capture One (and elsewhere) myself, but there's something very elegant and efficient about Solo Mode - it's just a really useful UI feature.


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