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Metadata when exporting files (JPEG or any other)



  • Marco Hyman

    A reminder that this forum is where Capture One customers hang out.  Your request to Capture One may never be seen by someone who works there.

    Thank you for letting us know of this issue.  Can't say that I've seen the problem, but I've never looked.  I hope you also filed a bug report using the Submit a request link.

  • FirstName LastName

    Thanks Marco!
    I filed the bug report. Since I could not google any solution at the time, I decide to post here as well, perhaps this will help someone else.

    The bug fixed itself after several restarts of the computer. Note, that previous wipe and clean install of the app didn’t help.
    Well, at least the files are now exporting in order and with all metadata ) no idea what it was or why.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Maybe you close the request so they have time for others.


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