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Capture one 22 - DOES IT WORK WITH 10.14 MOJAVE - YES OR NO??



  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    ATT: Capture One Support [I posted here, as c1 doesn't have a support forum set up for their latest version of their software :( ]

    If you'd looked just a little harder, and wasted less time on your snotty ALL CAPS!!! "YES OR NO??" arsiness, you'd have realised that you're talking to users, not Capture One.

    To do that:

    as everywhere I read (including the Capture One 22 info page) told me that C1-22 would work on 10.14 Mojave.... Now the min system requirement is 10.15 ????

    Did "everywhere I read" include the Capture One page that says no such thing?

    Capture One version

    Earliest supported OS

    Latest supported OS

    22 (15.0.0) 10.15 Catalina 12.0.1 Monterey
  • RC Photo

    FWIW, I just had a look at the email and the web-page advertising the pre-order. System requirements were not mentioned. Mojave reached EOL (end of life) on 25th Oct 2021, i.e some time before CO 22 was released. Why would any SW company promise to support their SW on an outdated (EOL) OS?

    Just like Keith already asked: can you give a reference where CO mentioned support for an OS version, which reached EOL around the time when CO22 was offered as pre-order?

    The requirements just describe the supported(!) OS versions, i.e where Capture One is willing to help if problems are encountered. Other OS versions may work or not but error reports might/will be ignored. (Provided that CO support is contacted and it isn't a post in a user to user forum)



    • You have a license for CO 22 (or you would be able to download a test version)
    • Your system is still on Mojave (macOS 10.14) 

    Why don't you just test if it works or not?




  • Daniel Schulz

    Ralfs last sentence nailed it.
    You even have a have a license to try it. But when if not ..You can download it. You could also use a test license rather than using the actual if you do. It want to do it,
    Test it 🤷🏼‍♂️
    Would have taken half the time

  • Eric Valk

    I’m using CO22 on Mojave 10.14.6 - I hadn’t noticed that it’s not supposed to work, the Capture One SW hasn’t noticed that either- it’s working just fine.

  • woefi

    I can confirm it is running on my older workstation, which will stay on Mojave for 32bit compatibility.

  • Timothy Stewart

    On C1 OS 10.14.6, I had processing issues (only to tif or psd) until I turned off "Hardware Acceleration". All is else is working.


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