Whole Session Corrupt - Settings can not be read
a C22 Session I used yesterady opens, but does not find the pictures or settings for the pictures. When I try to click on one image I see the following message:
Anyone having the same issue?
Error Message:
Description: You don’t have permission to save the file “2022_01_12_[...].iiq.cos” in the folder “Settings141”.
File: /Users/gme/Desktop/2022_01_12_[...]/Capture/CaptureOne/Settings141/2022_01_12_[...].iiq.cos
Reason: You don’t have permission.
Recovery: To view or change permissions, select the item in the Finder and choose File > Get Info.
Domain: NSCocoaErrorDomain
Code: 513
> Gunnar Menzel: ...You don’t have permission to save the file
File corruption happens, but the error message appears to point towards a file write permission issue rather than a "not finding" issue. Did you try the recovery hint?
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not quite sure what "recovery hint" means?
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> Gunnar Menzel: not quite sure what "recovery hint" means?
I was referring to the line that starts with "Recovery:" in the error message you posted
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Solved: I opend the import dialog, pointed to the Session`s Capture Folder and quit and it worked again... Strange but worked.
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