Shooting into Capture one and writing to the memorycard at the same time
I am confused, as when i use capture one to shoot in the computer, it the camera does not dave the image to my memory cards. I cant find any setting to enable this. I find it very important to have a copy of my image in my memory cards. How do i enable this? I shoot Nikon and use Version 22
I found a post from 11 years ago asking the same, is this still not fixed ????
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> Thomas Reiner: I found a post from 11 years ago asking the same, is this still not fixed ????
You should fix your keyboard, it may cause all kinds of problems when operating a computer.
Check out:
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There are 2 ways to shoot tethered using Capture One.
The full tethering option uses Capture One to take control of the camera and, historically, means that the internal camera functions like creating files to write to the memory card(s) are not active. In most cameras back in time it was necessary to remove the memory cards for the application to work that way since if not removed the camera would connect to the computer as a "mass storage" device before Capture One could connect for tethered use.
The second approach is to use a "hot folder" option where the camera works as normal and you use the camera as normal but it can write to both the internal card AND the computer when an image is captured.
The camera's internal processing and file naming are used in this approach and Capture One watches the chosen folder for new files and loads them ready for editing.
Some of the more recent cameras from some manufactures provide extra connectivity settings between the computer and the camera that may allow the use of the camera with the memory cards still in place but with full tethering.
Full tethering implies that the computer IS the camera's storage facility and the process allows the files received to be backed up elsewhere as part of the process. So there is nothing to fix.
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Thanks for the explaination, i still don't understand why capture one tethering is not allowing to write at the same time on the card as it transfers the image to the computer. What if there is a problem with the cable? then the image is lost. There is just no reason for me why there is no setting to write the image also at the same time on the memory cards.
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