I bought Capture One 21 Perpetual. Am I required to pay for Capture One 22?
If the license is perpetual, how is it possible that when I need an update they want to sell me a license again. Supposedly it is perpetual license or in a marketing gimmick.
Your license is for version 21, you can run v21 a life-time. Updates are included (21.x), major upgrades have an upgrade fee (e.g. for v22 or v23) but usually at a reduced price (upgrade price) if you own a previous version (e.g. v21).
That's industry practice, major upgrades usually have a price tag.
Once v22 is out, there will be no updates to v21 anymore, C1 upgrades usually come once every year around year-end.
Why do you need to upgrade?
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Perpetual means that version is yours. Forever. In perpetuity. Capture One can't take away your right to use that version. It's somewhat like buying a camera. That camera is yours. However, if you want the features in next year model you'll need to buy that new camera. If you want the features of the next version if Capture One you'll need to buy that version.
The other choice is buying a subscription. With a subscription your monthly fee gives you access to the latest version.
It's not so much a marketing gimmick as it is a misunderstanding as to what perpetual means.
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And you'll find the upgrade prices here:
Perpetual means that version is yours. Forever. In perpetuity. Capture One can't take away your right to use that version
Yes, but they can take away the activation servers, should they ever go out of business.
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I paid $299 for that license on March 5, 2021. After 10 months. The fair thing would be to go to the subscription of $179 and I would have a credit of 120.00 for the subscription of this March 2022. I could pay the difference of $59.00.
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You are talking with users only here.
Contact to C1 staff can be done submitting a request:
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The fair thing would be to go to the subscription of $179 and I would have a credit of 120.00 for the subscription of this March 2022. I could pay the difference of $59.00.
And unfair to everyone else who has found themselves in a similar situation to you, and sucked it up on the basis that it's - literally - the price of entry.
None of this is new - Capture One isn't pulling something on you that hasn't happened to others umpteen times before now.
And since when does "fair" count in business? You either accept it or you don't. "Fair" is irrelevant, and entirely subjective.
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I assume you are responding to Keith R's post.
Any users are entitled to an opinion. That is what a forum is for.
He, I and the OP are all unlucky enough to have investment in Canon equipment and so have not enjoyed the opportunity that others have had to buy in to C1 use at a lower price - notably for Sony and Fuji users.
Worse still from my Point of view, I use Windows not Mac and so much of the functionality available is for Apple products only, with more to come this year.
The license comes at the same price. Should we complain?
Very few software companies are in a position to offer perpetual totally free upgrades that cover both operating system compatibilities and additional functional developments. The option to charge for all inclusive "Technical Support" on a per-annum basis mostly evaporated some years ago.
But with a perpetual license we all have the opportunity to continue to use the software we "Purchased" - with some updated added during the first year if we bought early in the annual version cycle, without additional payment and without additional features once the next version is available.
In the overall scheme of things the cost is not that much, especially when compared, for example, to the cost of a camera body or a lens or two.
Most companies - indeed most of life - seems to be moving to a rental model offering no rights to longevity of function if the "subscription" payment stops. That solves the problem of arguing about the cost of an upgrade but at the cost of having to continually pay for something that one may not use very much and have no desire to update.
Commercially I fully understand the desire to employ the subscription model. As a consumer I am less keen on it. However, I would bet that most people have cost-of-use situations in their lives that are on balance far more expensive than Photo Editing software is ever likely to be yet offer less satisfaction in the product they provide - and we just accept them as the "normal situation" without really questioning the cost benefits. In many cases they are a "must have", possibly even a legal requirement locally. Without offering any real utility compared to the cost.
At least with a perpetual license one is not forced to upgrade or, worse, pay anyway even if one has no wish to upgrade.
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Howdy folks,
I was using Lightroom Classic which also came with Photoshop as part of the subscription package, and which cost less than the Capture One subscription. I liked Lightroom Classic, but I was unhappy with the subscription concept, and I did not use Photoshop. I used to buy software "licenses" and upgrades, at reasonable prices way in the past. If I did not like or need the upgrade I did not, and I was fine with that.
I ended up buying Affinity Photo based on reviews, but I suppose that it really is a version of Photoshop that can process RAW data to a limited degree, and I was not all that happy with it, except that it was non-subscription. This morning, I started looking at comparisons of Lightroom and Photo and they kept pointing to Lightroom vs Capture One as a more fair evaluation. That looked interesting.
They did point out that Capture One is expensive, and boy howdy is it. I was taken back at the price difference between the payout for the subscription and the perpetual license, durn near double. In looking at the history of Capture One, it looks like they come out with a major upgrade annually.
Evidently they make that upgrade license available at a reduced price, but they do not say what that reduced price is, that I can find anyway. This current update does what, stitching, HDR and some under the hood stuff? Things that Lightroom and Affinity Photo does, nice, but not absolutely required in my case, if I had the previous version for example. So what if I waited until the next version, how much more would that reduced price be?
Still they offer it; I am just curious about how reduced the reduced price is.
There are still companies out there who do not offer any subscriptions, who bring out updates, even major updates, for free or who only charge modest fees for complete full revisions.
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I got a reply from Capture One. The reduced price is 200 bucks for an upgrade. Holy Cow; on top of spending 300 bucks for the license. So for me, who is not a professional, and who is retired, that is right out. As much as I hate to do it, I will be deleting the 30 day evaluation of Capture One and re-subscribing to Lightroom Classic, simply because Affinity Photo does not truly process RAW. I wish that Adobe would offer just Lightroom without Photoshop at say 50 bucks a year. Oh well.
Perhaps Capture One, who is not a small company, i.e. look who owns them, will restructure their prices to be more competitive with Adobe, because I sure would enjoy NOT doing business with Adobe.
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