Product shooting with 2 cameras - can't maintain settings
We have a setup for photographing large rugs. One camera is mounted to the warehouse ceiling for the top-down view. A 2nd identical camera/lens is at floor level to show a closeup of the rug's texture. Four ceiling mounted strobes are dialed in and fired regardless of which camera is triggered. We can switch from camera to camera in the current Win software. Our problem is that the white balance setting doesn't appear to "copy" from one camera to the other. The ceiling-mounted camera shots are taken first with a Color Checker Passport for WB. It's measured and the color is great. We switch to the other camera and it captures without that same WB adjustment.
Emailed support 18 days ago and still have no response. Perhaps someone here has some ideas..?
I am not completely sure what you mean in your setup that the white balance doesn't appear to 'copy' from one camera to the other.
But you can copy your adjustments (including White Balance) from one photo to another using menu: Adjustments -> Copy Adjustments.
In the Adjustments Clipboard you can select which settings to use for pasting. If you only select Color-White Balance, you can then paste the clipboard into your other photo. That should to the trick.
I hope this was of any help.0
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