Why isn't GPS metadata editable?
As far as I can see, GPS metadata isn't editable. Is there any particular reason for this?
Is there any particular reason for this?
We don't know - we're users, like you.
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If all users can be assumed to have the same knowledge, what is the purpose of a user forum?
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You're asking about a Capture One business/implementation decision, not how to sharpen an image or use a Session.
Users can be expected to know the answer to the latter questions, but not the former, because - obviously - that kind of information is confidential commercial information to which users are not privy.
Frankly I wouldn't believe any user that tried to tell me he knew the answer anyway - he won't.
So to answer your question, the purpose of a user forum is to ask questions that users are likely to know the answer to.
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Considering your usual form of interaction – I don't remember seeing anything other from you than complaints about other users – I probably shouldn't have bothered replying.
In any case, someone could potentially have known about Capture One-specific limitations when it comes to this particular metadata.
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As far as I can see, GPS metadata isn't editable. Is there any particular reason for this?
Ok, I'll bite. With the caveat mentioned by Keith, I assume that this in keeping with Capture One's policy of not directly editing files.
It could also raise a can or worms in areas like photojournalism if C1 allowed changes to GPS data. Not being in the business, I'm guessing, but I assume that embedded GPS metadata could be used to prove that an event or an animal or whatever was captured in a certain location.
GPS data can be effectively added to files via sidecar files, and presumably edited as well.
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I have been using GPS metadata/co-ordinates with my images for about 10 years with a Nikon D800 and a Sony A7R3.
I use ACDSee Ultimate as part of my DAM, some have been embedded directly from the camera, some I've place them directly onto the map base within ACDSee Ultimate. They can be edited within ACDSee Ultimate or moved on the map base if I feel they are out of position.
And yes talk about what you want, "almighty Keith" always does.
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Thanks for your replies.
Some other applications will write GPS data to files, but even if this was somehow a problem you should think that such data could at least be stored in sidecar files or in the catalogue itself.
My impression from using a Canon 5D Mark IV with built in GPS and a Canon R5 getting GPS data from a bluetooth-connected phone is that the location as stored in the files can be quite a bit off, so I'm not sure how useful it would be in a legal context.
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> Thomas Kyhn: ...such data could at least be stored in sidecar files...
Of course it can, and other apps do just that. I don't remember when gps coordinates became part of the xmp-spec, but I have reasons to believe it was there in 2004 or before. I do not buy into the idea of Capture One policing their customers by blocking users from editing gps coordinates (or other metadata for that matter).
If you are serious about image metadata, use a real metadata tool, Capture One is not one of the kind.
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Considering your usual form of interaction – I don't remember seeing anything other from you than complaints about other users – I probably shouldn't have bothered replying.
And you'd be wrong about that too.
OK, I'll play: Capture One is a very law-abiding company, and wants to make sure that the police can prove, by reference to your camera's GPS Exif, that you were at the scene and time of the murder...
Happy now?
And yes talk about what you want, "almighty Keith" always does.
Awww... Does john need a hug?
(Oh, and - believe me - I generally don't post what I want to...)
Aside from Thomas' supercilious, overly-sensitive and somewhat entitled reaction to my initial reply, what - exactly - was wrong with it?
I'll tell you. Absolutely sod all. It was, in fact, nothing but helpful.
But if it looks to me like someone has taken a lazy, ill-considered approach to what they post (and they invariably are just that), why shouldn't I point that out? They might learn, and hopefully it will help people to avoid spaffing their lives away on irrelevant questions that nobody here is going to be able to answer.
You know that saying: "there's no such thing as a silly question..."?
Well this forum gives the lie to that aphorism, multiple times every single day.
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My suggestion would be to read up on the accuracy/inaccuracy, as many things come into play like where your situated, canopy above, indoors etc.
My Nikon D800 has a dedicated GPS unit attached to the hot shoe which picks up 5 satellites and has 1 metre accuracy, generally it is.
My Sony A7R3 is connected to my iPhone.
I place or move the image point on the map base after shooting within ACDSee Ultimate and imbed the file, this can then be read in Lightroom if I want.
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OddS.: “If you are serious about image metadata, use a real metadata tool, Capture One is not one of the kind.”
When you rely on variants for various purposes and with differing metadata (not including GPS metadata though), file based metadata editors aren’t of much use.
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Hi Thomas,
This is because C1 does not store the GPS data in the database! And since C1 never writes the raw files, there is no function to change them.
I think C1 people have simply stopped developing this function. Maybe one day they will overtake the DAM completely. Who knows...
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But this is not a Problem. You can use an external GPS editor of your choice. Just close C1, make your changes und restart C1. The new GPS data would apply immediately to all variants without any new import or rescan.
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“this is not a Problem. You can use an external GPS editor of your choice. Just close C1, make your changes und restart C1. The new GPS data would apply immediately to all variants without any new import or rescan.”
That’s what I currently do, and you don’t even have to close down Capture One. But the images whose data you edit need to be accessible. If you could add the coordinates manually in Capture One, the images wouldn’t need to be online.0 -
Hi, I use Houdah Geo to set GPS coordinates. Then imports / sync this data with C1
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