15.3.0 Crop tool default should be unconstrained
Thank you for the UI updates in 15.3.0. Tools look neater and easier to find. But there is a blunder:
The default crop tool is now constrained to the original aspect of the picture. 3:2 or whatever the camera shoots. So now every time I try to crop a picture it constrains to 3:2 or 2:3 and as I drag it flips between these two.
That makes no sense. The default for a fresh picture should be Unconstrained.
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Yes, that's annying me a lot too!
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I agree.
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Yes, unbelievable! When I had to crop hundred images and always change to unconstrained before, I got crazy! Please change that!!!!!
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Yes please!
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I agree. This has dramatically slowed down my workflow.
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Absolutely, 100%!
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Yes please!
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Yes agreed. Folks at Phase One: Why do you make two steps forward in development and then one step backwards? I am 100% sure nobody asked for fixing the default crop to Original and that this was not the case before.
And thanks for the community posters: You made me not lose my mind whether I was simply too thick to find the way to set it back to unconstrained! :-)
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I agree that, once you crop an image, the tool should remember your chosen aspect ratio (the thing in the dropdown like 1x1, 2x3, 3x4 etc.) as well as the actual crop dimensions per image. The old behaviour was frustrating when you were cropping some images square, say for Instagram, and the next day you try to adjust a landscape and it defaults to square because that's the last choice used by the tool. The team correctly implemented aspect ratio per image, it's just that the default should be Unconstrained, not Original.
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I agree with Pavlos Papageorgiou 100%. "The team correctly implemented aspect ratio per image, it's just that the default should be Unconstrained, not Original."
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I can see why people need to have the constrained as much as I would like the constrained mode. If there are enough people like me, perhaps Phase One could provide a configuration option in preferences for the crop top.
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Yes, just a selectable default crop.
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They putting all their energy into the ipad release and let the long time users down. I don't like this direction! Is capture one now a ipad app? This is realy bad news for pc user and advanced photogaphers. With this update we have a preview was comes next. No time and efford gets in windows and macos versions. Milions of smartfone photographers promise more profit. Next we have to look for a other RAW editor software.
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I have found a workaround for the crop tool bug. This is not very convienient but better then nothing. The old behaver of the unconstrained aspect ratio come back with the following settings:
Select one picture and set unconstrained in the corp tool. In the ##### x ##### field set left 1 and hit enter. then set right of the x also 1 an hit enter. Because this numbers are unvalid the numbers going back to default. Then mark all Images und copy this on all Images. The old behaver ist now back. All Images have the unconstrained aspect ratio and the images have no cropp. So it is possible to make a new crop from every point in the Picture like befor the update.
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Alexander Herzig, not a bad workaround.
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Yes, please! Fix this! Now I have to make the extra step of changing each picture to Unconstrained! There should be an option to choose the default behavior for all pictures to the preference of the user, whether it's Original or Unconstrained. Or at the very least, have it remember the last setting used.
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Having a constraint option for each image seems like an awfully big change for a subversion release, particularly since they didn't get it right. It seems to default each image to 'Original' without letting the user know or letting them specify a different default. Since there is no shortcut, it's horrible. Didn't they beta test this before release? Perhaps an option in preferences now, would be the best way out.
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Haven't read all the responses but if not suggested here is a thought; have the Default as Unconstrained, and SHIFT drag for constrained, like other applications (Photoshop for example).
A solution built on existing standards that most people wont have to re-learn.
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So to do that, Kurtis, here's what you do.
(1) In Preferences, in the Crop section, under Aspect Ration Behaviour, choose use Global Aspect Ratio.
(2) Go to any image and on the crop tool set the ratio to Unconstrained.
Now for every image you go to, the setting will be Unconstrained (until you change it to another preset for some image). And if you hold Shift, it will preserve the existing aspect ratio.
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Ian, that sounds interesting but I don't see this setting. Are you using version 15.3.0?
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No. The latest version is now 15.4.1. This change to crop options was introduced in 15.3.1.
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Ian, do you understand why I cannot see this version 15.4.1 (working on Windows)?
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Yes. There was a bug in 15.3.0 so that updates didn't show up. Just go to the website and download it.
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Finally now it's working after downloading from the website. Thank you Ian!!!
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